Welcome to the re-launch of StudLife’s blogs! After weeks of “Student Life’s blog network is being re-vamped and will be up soon!” the link actually takes you to a real website. Huzzahs all around!
Things are finally going places, and we appreciate how patient you guys have waited. Honestly, we’ve been anxious for the launch too, fidgeting in our sleep after every setback, eating unhealthy amounts of Crunchers before and after every meal, but now it’s finally here.
Cadenza will lead the way with seven, count’em, seven blogs baking in our Funcooker. Arts and culture blogs are the perfect fit for Cadenza’s Funcooker because a) we almost always produce more content than StudLife can print, and b) a lot of our writers (we call them Cadenza Reporters) have unique voices that should really shine online. So click on the entries to get started and don’t forget to bookmark studlife.com/funcooker. You know. If people even bookmark anymore.
Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect on a daily basis from The Funcooker:
Mondays – Take on TV
Home of television thoughts, recaps and live-blogs from our TV Editor, Andie Hutner.