So I have taken to watching the Game Show Network in my spare time, sometimes. It’s easy fare to watch while attempting to do homework – no complicated storyline to follow like in the episodes of Law and Order: SVU my roommate always puts on. I’m a little saddened that they decided to move Who Wants to Be a Millionaire from the plum 11pm time slot to the much less awesome 1am, but I will deal. Still, I continue to watch the network, and have discovered a terribly wonderful show: Baggage.
I mean, it’s hosted by Jerry Springer, so that says something right away. This show is awful. In every episode, there is a man and three women, so of course the man will end up choosing his dream woman (or next partner, at the very least). But there is a catch. Instead of just getting to know them, he gets to learn their biggest baggage. There are three rounds where they reveal little, medium, and big baggage – their deepest darkest secrets.
The first time I watched, a woman revealed her biggest baggage: she gets paid to be a dominatrix. Seriously? Needless to say, he did not pick her. I don’t understand why this show exist.
Anyway, the man at the end of every episode has to reveal his biggest baggage. In one episode, he slept with his best friend’s girl. In another, he was at a strip club while his ex was having his child. Again, seriously? Best part, the chosen woman, when confronted with his baggage, said she would go on a date with him. Yeah, he’s an upstanding guy. Good for them. I hope they have happy lives together.
Obviously, I view this show with disdain, but it’s still pretty fun. Check it out on the Game Show Network.