Archive for the ‘Scene’ Category

Wash. U. Dictionary

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 | Michelle Stein

College is a completely new experience, full of new people, responsibilities, and, perhaps unexpectedly, a new vocabulary. When arriving on campus for the first time, it is not unusual for freshmen to encounter words or phrases that they just don’t understand. So when you’re caught wondering if that word is even in the English language, don’t feel too bad – it probably isn’t.

Slowly but surely new students always catch on to the Washington University in St. Louis way of speaking. For example, I had never heard the word “sketchy” before I came to Wash U. Three years later, I am perfectly comfortable with calling a situation “quite sketch.” Some words, like “sketchy,” are not specific to Wash. U. Other phrases like “the clock stick” may give freshmen a bit more trouble. In cases of verbal confusion, refer to this handy guide or upper-classmen to help decode the language of Wash. U.

Fro Yo – The shortened form of frozen yogurt. Specifically, it refers to the frozen yogurt available to students at Bear Mart inside the Wohl Student Center. Don’t be alarmed if your roommate disappears at 12:55 a.m. for a “Fro Yo run” right before they close. In fact, you should try it some time.

**Warning: Beware of the abbreviation, or “abbrevs”. The Wash. U. student body rarely says the full name of anything, be it “Poli Sci” rather than Political Science, or “awk” instead of awkward.

Floorcest – Floorcest is, quite simply, hooking up with, dating, or otherwise ruining the platonic nature of a relationship you have with someone on your floor. Most upperclassmen will tell you that this is a bad idea and you should really trust them because chances are they know from experience. Your R.A.’s, or Residential Advisors-yet another abbreviation-will probably bring this up in one of your first meetings. Dormcest, a less serious offense involving inter-dorm relationships, also creates the potential for plenty of awkward situations.

Sexile – This is the awkward and never envied situation when your roommate locks you out of your dorm room in order to commit floorcest, dormcest, or engage in some other romantic rendezvous. These situations are particularly uncomfortable as you sit outside your room at 3 a.m. and twiddle your thumbs. May I suggest finding “the guy with the air mattress?” (See Who’s Who on Your Freshman Floor)

BD vs. B&D – BD is the abbreviation for one of the most important places on campus: Bear’s Den. At Bear’s Den, students can feed their 2 a.m. mozzarella stick craving, listen to jovial workers sing Beyonce, or just hang out when they’re not ready to call it a night. B&D, on the other hand, is the Wash. U. security. They let you into parties (and kick you out), control W.I.L.D. so it doesn’t get too wild, and make sure nobody’s left in BD at 3 a.m. While they may patrol BD, avoid confusing the two, as they are very different. B&D will not serve you mozzarella sticks, although maybe if you’re lucky they’ll sing for you.

EST- The Emergency Support Team, or EST, is Wash. U.’s all-student emergency team. These are the people you call for help in a medical emergency. They share their phone line with WUPD (Wash. U. Police Department), a number that you will learn easily as “fistful of fives,” since dialing 5-5555 from any campus phone will connect you to them. According to the Wash. U. website, EST handles “sudden onset illness or injury on campus, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the school year.” As such, they are very handy people to have around.

Clock Stick – Formally, this is known as the clock tower. However, it is not much of a tower. Located on the South 40 right outside Ursa’s Fireside, the clock stick nickname was wittily created because the clock is perched atop a mere spindle and therefore, does not quite deserve to be called a tower.

Estro-gym – The South 40 gym located in upstairs Wohl earned the name “The Estro-gym” due to its mainly female clientele. Many males and female athletes prefer to workout at the A.C., or Athletic Center. Despite its nickname, the Estro-gym does have both weight and cardio machines that cater to males. They tend to stand out about as much as a guy in a Women’s Studies course.

The Bunny – Just outside of Mallinckrodt as you head towards the library sits the Bunny, arguably the creepiest statue on campus. Every year students stare in awe as they try to figure out if the inspiration did indeed come from “Donnie Darko.” Because the Bunny is so unique, it often serves as a good meeting place in the middle of main campus.

Pearls of Wisdom

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 | Student Life Staff

Advice from our staff-from their freshman year to yours.

Three random things you never thought you’d need but you should bring to campus:

An umbrella. Not for the rain, though there’s plenty of unpredictable weather, but because there’s no ice-breaker like, “here, you can stand under my umbrella,ella,ella.”
Jill Strominger, Senior Forum Editor

A stapler.
Indu Chandrasekhar, Associate Editor

A 25 foot ethernet cord, Apples to Apples and lots of costume stuff.
Trisha Wolf, Managing Editor

Your favorite study spot(s) on campus:

The library. It almost feels like it was designed for it.
Cecilia Razak, Senior Cadenza Editor

The music practice room in Dardick Hall or the Business School library.
Lucy Moore, Senior Photo Editor

The East Asian Library-it’s quiet, it’s got good lighting and it’s a good location.
Michael Hirshorn, Graphics Editor

Having a roommate: how to make the most of living with someone you’ve never met before:

Eliminate awkwardness quickly by acting the exact same way you would with your home friends. You may be more similar to your roommate than you’d initially think. Also, don’t do it in an obnoxious way, but speak up when he/she does something that bothers you or you can’t live with. Otherwise, you’ll be annoyed with it for the whole year, and your relationship will probably become strained.
Alyssa Anzalone-Newman, Designer

Never short-sheet their bed. It shows a lack of imagination and there are so many, more painful, retaliations.
Cecilia Razak, Senior Cadenza Editor

Always offer up your food, even if you don’t want to share.
Nadia Sobehart, Cadenza Reporter

My favorite freshman memory:

Convocation. It reminded me of high school and began college.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

Looking back at the end of the year and seeing how far I had come.
Indu Chandrasekhar, Associate Editor

Being chased around my dorm by a friend dressed as a pineapple.
Sam Guzik, Editor in Chief

What I wish I had done/not done my freshman year:

I wish I’d taken Introduction to Psychology. I heard the class was really hard and there was some Cornerstone class on how to not fail psychology, so I had this weird idea that the class was ridiculously difficult, which was not at all true. My fear delayed my exploration of the entire major for a year and a half.
Jill Strominger, Senior Forum Editor

I really wish I had gotten off campus more often freshman year. Everyone makes excuses because we don’t have access to cars, but that really isn’t a reason to stay in the “Wash. U. Bubble.” There’s actually a lot to do in St. Louis, and I really wish I had taken better advantage of all the good restaurants nearby (even though the food on campus is pretty good).
Alyssa Anzalone-Newman, Designer

I wish I had put a little less energy into school and more into activities and relationships,
had worn stranger clothes and had eaten different food.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

Your favorite campus food and where to get it:

Flank Steak on Fridays (usually) at Holmes Lounge. Get it with BBQ sauce.
Brian Krigsher, Copy Chief

An iced chai tea from whispers is a perfect study companion.
Jill Strominger, Senior Forum Editor

Grilled chicken sandwich at Bear’s Den. Might take a while but definitely worth it.
Johann Qua Hiansen, Sports Editor

Fun ways to break the bubble without a car:

Take the metro…it’s free!
Michael Hirshorn – Graphics Editor

Go on really, really long runs.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

Take advantage of the WeCars, Enterprise’s car sharing program on campus, to go to that cool gallery opening you heard about.
Trisha Wolf, Managing Editor

How to make new friends:

It can take time to find your niche. Your freshmen floormates might not be your best friends even though you will probably inseparable at first. I know I made my best friends at school when I really stopped trying. As corny as it sounds, just be yourself.
Trisha Wolf, Managing Editor

Wear strange clothes.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

Be willing to take the first step and start a conversation. Even if you’re not used to being so outgoing, fake it.
Sam Guzik, Editor in Chief

What I learned my first week of college life:

No one tells you what you have to do, it’s all on you to make your own decisions.
Johann Qua Hiansen, Sports Editor

That losing your keys can happen to anybody.
Indu Chandrasekhar, Associate Editor

Nothing you do during the first week will end up mattering, so do everything.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

My favorite class and why:

The FOCUS Cuba class for freshmen. Pepe is an incredible professor and being able to go to Cuba is an incredible experience.
Trisha Wolf, Managing Editor

The Cold War with Professor Knapp. The Cold War is a fascinating time period and it was great to be able to take a class on something so specific.
Sam Guzik, Editor in Chief

Chief English Writers. Because Middle English never sounded so weird.
Cecilia Razak, Senior Cadenza Editor

How to make the most of move-in with parents present:

Talk them into inviting your new floor-mates and their parents out to dinner.
Jill Strominger, Senior Forum Editor

Let them make your bed, put your clothes on hangers and unpack your boxes. You do the rest.
Indu Chandrasekhar, Associate Editor

Don’t try to claim independence yet. You’ll be out of the nest in like three days. Be patient.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

Number one reason college is not like high school:

Laundry doesn’t clean itself, food will not find its way into your mouth without going out and getting it and books actually need to be opened (occasionally).
Nadia Sobehart, Cadenza Reporter

Everyone here is smart. It’s a common bond, not a defining characteristic.
Brian Krigsher, Copy Chief

Freedom to choose whether or not to go to class, to sleep early or sleep late, to go off campus on a midnight snack run, etc.
Johann Qua Hiansen, Sports Editor

How to survive/approach big lecture classes:

There’s a Sudoku and crossword puzzle in every issue of Student Life.
Johann Qua Hiansen, Sports Editor

Actually go to class, pay attention, and take good notes. One way to motivate yourself might be to contact Cornerstone. They often need note takers for students with disabilities. You just give them your schedule and they see if you match. That way, you get paid for going to class and taking good notes.
Trisha Wolf, Managing Editor

Don’t take them.
Dennis Sweeney, Design Chief

Why you should join Student Life!

The people are awesome, it’s a way to get heard and it’s a way to get involved with other things going on on campus because StudLife has to report and be there.
Lucy Moore, Senior Photo Editor

Student Life is a good way to feel like you’re involved with something other than just schoolwork. Also, it is a great creative outlet and a way for you to have your work seen, read and enjoyed by others.
Alyssa Anzalone-Newman, Designer

The opportunities to challenge the chancellor, see the inner workings of student groups and satisfy your curiosity about everything on campus are nothing compared to the opportunity to work with amazing people every day.
Sam Guzik, Editor in Chief

Who’s Who on Your Freshman Floor

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 | Student Life Staff

Your freshman floor will be your new home at Wash. U. It’s a veritable melting pot of new ideas, diverse perspectives and fresh opinions. More importantly, it’s where most of you will learn to live with your peers away from home for the first time. While the school rightly prides itself on stimulating intellectual conversation spilling into the residence halls, one of the most important things you’ll learn in college will be how to get along with this crazy group of students from all different backgrounds. Sometimes, the most important thing you’ll learn each week won’t come from a physics class, but from the girl down the hall who just turned you on to an awesome new band or your roommate teaching you how to clean up your hard drive. There are a few especially important people who will contribute to the ecosystem of your freshman floor; get to know them.

The music aficionado
This is a great friend; he knows about acid jazz, zydeco and everything in-between. The music fanatic will be more than happy to burn you CDs of all these “awesome little indie bands that would totally be the next big thing except that their music is too deep for the big corporate labels, man” until you tell him to stop. Additionally, the music aficionado is always down to see a live show and will probably know all the obscure opening bands. He’ll usually try to get you to convert to his file sharing software so you can keep finding new artists; check with the computer whiz to make sure you won’t get arrested.

The guy who will play on all your IM teams
Many freshmen floors bond over Intramurals. And there are always those guys who will roll you out of bed on a Sunday morning to play anything from ultimate Frisbee to inner tube water polo. Always go. Even if your floor has all the combined athleticism of a potato, the games are a blast and the guy who will play on all your IM teams will make a great coach/head cheerleader.

The movie librarian
Sometimes you’ll just go nuts if you try to derive one more equation or read another act of Shakespeare. It’s times like these that it’s nice to spend a quiet weekend in the dorm with friends, PJs and popcorn. When you need to veg out, look for the movie librarian. Not every floor has one, but those who do cherish him. Boasting classics, popular new movies, foreign flicks and whole TV series, he runs a little Blockbuster right out of his room and can often suggest the perfect movie for you simply by looking deeply into your eyes for a few seconds.

The kid with extra meal points
On every floor, there is that lucky kid with a huge meal plan who can subsist on a mere bagel and some sushi day after day. Others are frugal and will be eating the special end-of-the-year lobster at Bear’s Den while you try to decide which clothes you wouldn’t mind selling to get enough scratch to survive on Ramen. Find the one who has more meal points than time to use them and remind him that they don’t carry over to the next year. What is he going to do, donate his points to charity while you’re starving next door?

The studious notetaker
We’d all like to be great students, and most of us go to most of our classes, but that 9 a.m. lab on Saturday morning is more than some of us can take. In times of crisis-midterms, the flu, etc.-find your floormate with the color-coded flashcards. His meticulous attention to detail is almost as good as you actually showing up to class. As long as you’re not a total mooch and have something intelligent to add to the conversation, this is a great person with whom to study.

The guy who can change your bed height
Listen up ladies! Able to move heavy furniture, deftly handle his tools and help lend a hand, the guy who can raise your bed is worth keeping around even after the first two days.

The person who knows absolutely everyone
This friend can’t walk into a room without getting hugged by about half the people around. A master networker, he is on the list for all the parties, is on a first name basis with a few deans and can always call in a favor. You’ll never know how this person got to know all his acquaintances, but try not to sweat it. He’s great for introducing you to new friends. Also, if you ever need to know about obscure medieval music or the literature of Mongolia, this person is likely to put a phone number in your hand before you can finish asking for help.

The guy with the air mattress
In a perfect world, your roommate would at least give you the courtesy of a phone call before cozying up with a romantic friend for the night. Unfortunately, every weekend, students get back to their room at 3 a.m. to find the tell-tale tie on the door handle. For those sexiles, the guy with the air mattress is a phenomenal asset. He’ll board you up for the night while your roomie’s having a romp between the sheets. He’s so nice that he’ll probably even grab brunch with you in the morning and attempt to make your roommate’s walk of shame even more hilariously awkward.

The computer whiz
This guy can do it all, from cleaning out your spyware to synchronizing your zip drive (or whatever it is that computers need fixed). He can run Macs and PCs and knows how LINUX works. Usually trilingual-fluent in English, some Asian language and binary-he will try not to laugh at you when you spend half an hour screaming at a word document but will politely point out that you are simply out of printer toner.

The local
This floormate knows all the great little Italian restaurants on the Hill, the best coffee places near campus and which of the five Thai restaurants on the Loop is the best. He can give you directions to the Central West End and suggest good places to club or to take a date. Best of all? He usually has a car.

The super-volunteer
Has anyone on your floor ever pan-handled? How about baked upwards of 500 brownies? Every year, Wash. U. students have hundreds of opportunities to volunteer. The most popular events are Dance Marathon and Relay for Life, and each team (floor) needs a captain. So find some young idealist who will ring a bell outside of Schnucks for sick kids and doesn’t mind learning a spirit dance.

The one with the fake
.uh, mustaches. You know, the Groucho Marx ones with the glasses and big noses? Yeah, those fakes. They make a great last-minute Bauhaus costume.

Traditions of Washington University in St. Louis

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 | Eric Rosenbaum
Scott Bressler

Before this epic cultural event, a line of RAs and other students in sleeping bags will plug up the Mallinckrodt hallways. Dancers, actors, and crew members give their lives for weeks to the wildly popular show in Edison theater hosted by Ashoka, the South Asian Students Association. Their work does pay off; students expertly perform a wide array of Asian dances and a skit with a lesson about Asian-American life. My advice: if you want to see it, get tickets early. This is a good time to take advantage of your RAs.

Three guesses: who are the greatest partiers on campus? Would you guess the engineers? Well, you should. With their lighted dance floor and their great DJs, this is one of the most popular parties of the year. I can’t get any more specific than that. My advice: see it for yourself. Otherwise you won’t believe it.

Anyone can walk in someplace. You can walk into class. You can walk into your room. But how many places can you walk in AND lay down? Well, your room is one.but still, the twice-yearly W.I.L.D. concert is a completely unique experience. A crazy, excited mass of kids gathers to listen, jump around uncontrollably, and be, well, W.I.L.D. Past headliners have included George Clinton, OK Go, Guster, Ben Folds and Outkast. My advice: To get the most out of W.I.L.D. forget, for a second, that you have any sort of a reputation to maintain.

2:59 a.m. at Bear’s Den
Okay, so this isn’t really an official event. And technically, nothing happens at exactly 2:59 that doesn’t happen at 2:58 or earlier. But something does happen at 3 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday which is important to all students: Bear’s Den closes for the night. And something else important happens one minute later: you will get hungry. Thus the forward-thinking residents of the South 40 grab their last-minute quesadillas after their night on the town. My advice: definitely do this. Food always tastes better late at night.

So you’ve slogged through a whole year of college. You’re thinking about exams. It’s spontaneously hot outside. And you want nothing more than to smack that annoying kid on your floor with a water balloon. Can Ashoka, the South Asian Students Association, help? Of course! In mid-April, the group prepares 20,000 short-lived water balloons for this sloppy free-for-all on the swamp. My advice: take advantage of the mud. Your Holi success is judged by how indistinguishable your friends are.

The Right Stuff: Eating Healthy at Wash. U.

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 | Lana Goldsmith
Scott Bressler

So besides knowledge, fun, new friends and good times, what else are you hungry for at Wash. U.? Food is going to be an important-and necessary-part of your college experience. You will bond over meals with your newfound friends and learn just how long certain potables and comestibles can marinate in your mini fridge before the smell becomes utterly offensive to your roommate. There is a lot of fun to be had with food, but it is important to recognize that your eating habits could change. Here are a few suggestions to help you maintain healthy patterns of eating.

Make time for breakfast: You’re in college now-one of the best ones in the nation, at that!-and you will need all the brainpower you can get. Nine and ten o’clock classes are going to continue to feel earlier and earlier as the semester progresses, but remember to take the time to fuel yourself with a nutritious breakfast. Bear’s Den offers breakfast food in the mornings where you can sit with some eggs and toast and read Student Life before leaving for class. Something like fruit, cereal or instant oatmeal is easy enough to prepare in your room while you get ready. Eating breakfast will ensure that you are prepared for the busy day ahead of you. Also, it is best to eat carbohydrates earlier because they will give you the most energy to burn throughout the day. As the day winds down, you do not need as much energy-which will turn into fat if you do not use it-so you can cut back on the carbs.

Remember portion control: Just because the guy in the pasta line manages to stuff three pounds worth of pasta with meat sauce into that tiny white box does not mean you have to eat it all. Stop when you’re full and try to remember to diversify what you eat-meaning some protein, some dairy, some fruit and vegetables, etc. You can be sure to get all the different food groups in by eating several small meals a day instead of stuffing yourself with a few.

Don’t eat late at night: It is tempting to stop at Bear’s Den at two in the morning just because you can, but it is not the healthiest choice. Eating so close to bedtime does not give you the chance to work off the calories you just took in, so it turns to fat. It may also interfere with your sleep schedule.

When in doubt, check it out: It seems that Wash. U.’s catering service, Bon Appétit, does its best to provide students with a plethora of food options, some healthy, some not. Their web site provides the nutritional information for most of their meals so you can keep track of your caloric intake.

Eat fresh, eat healthy!: By now, you know which foods are good for you and which are not. Try to eat things that are unprocessed, such as fruits and veggies. Don’t eat too much of one thing and don’t overindulge in fried foods and sweets. Michael Pollan expands on the notion of eating more natural foods in his book In Defense of Food if you’re interested in learning more about food, like stuff we eat and when we should cut back on red meat.

Don’t be afraid to use your kitchen: Dorms are equipped with functioning kitchens, so have at it if you like to cook or are hoping to learn how. Unfortunately, they do not have pots and pans, so bring your own or find a friend who has some and wants to share some quality cooking time with you.

Open packages alone: If you do get some eatable goodies shipped to you, you may want to assess if you want to share them or not before others know you have it. It’s not everyday anymore that you get to have your mom’s awesome oatmeal chocolate chip cookies or something of the like, so guard those puppies and eat them sparingly!

There are a number of exciting new culinary prospects ahead of you. Your class will be the first freshman class to experience the new dining facilities in the University Center, as well as the old classics. So get out there while the eating is good and enjoy your meals.

Stepping Out

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 | Brooke Schachner
Scott Bressler

Located in University City, only a short walk from the South 40, the Delmar Loop is a great place to spend an early autumn afternoon or evening. There are countless things to do on this one street, including seeing a movie, shopping, or going to a concert. Additionally, the Loop is home to some of the most delicious restaurants in St. Louis. From pizza to sushi to burgers, the Delmar loop has many appealing options for every appetite.

The restaurants on the Loop promise to satisfy any and every craving of the average college student. These options are not only appetizing, but reasonably priced. In addition, reaching Delmar Boulevard does not require a car or taxi, as it is walking distance from campus. Feel free to celebrate orientation with a stop at any one of the fantastic eateries on the Delmar Loop.

Seki’s Japanese Restaurant
6335 Delmar Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63130

Seki’s is a popular place to go for a tasty Japanese meal at a reasonable price. Both the maki sushi (rolls) and the nigiri sushi (pieces) are always fresh and tasty, and there is an extensive menu consisting of traditional Japanese dishes. The chicken teriyaki proves to be a flavorsome selection for any diner who doesn’t eat sushi. Also, many dishes come with Miso soup and cucumber salad at no additional cost.

6144 Delmar Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63112

One of the newer eateries on Delmar, Pi’s offerings include San Francisco-style deep-dish pizza as well as thin crust pizza, salads, and several appetizers. In addition to the items on the menu, patrons can pick and choose toppings to design their own personal pie. The Lincoln Park thin crust pizza, made with mozzarella cheese, garlic olive oil, zucchini, fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, and feta cheese, and the Western Addition deep-dish pizza, topped with mozzarella cheese, spinach blended with ricotta and feta cheeses, mushrooms, onions, and garlic, are two particularly delectable choices at this delightful eatery.

6605 Delmar Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63130

Blueberry Hill
6504 Delmar Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63130

These two very well known restaurants, located almost across the street from each other, serve up two of the best hamburgers in the city. Blueberry Hill, famous for hosting concerts-including a monthly one by St. Louis legend Chuck Berry-in the Duck Room, is notable for much more than just delicious burgers. Other options include various salads, breakfast plates, and vegetarian dishes. Fitz’s, known for its root beer, is another Loop restaurant with a menu that boasts scrumptious burgers and more. The chicken club sandwich, topped with bacon and Provolone cheese, is a superb substitute for a Fitz’s hamburger.

Stepping Out

Monday, May 5th, 2008 | Brooke Schachner and Eric Bierman
Brooke Schachner

Sidney Street Café

Rating: 4.5
2000 Sidney Street
St. Louis, MO 63104
Price Range: $20-30

For the Commencement issue, we decided to try a restaurant we had never been to before that would be a good choice for eating with parents. The well-reviewed Sidney Street Café seemed like the perfect place for a graduation dinner. With a large menu that changes sporadically, and truly delicious food, Sidney Street Café did not disappoint. Though the loud atmosphere and décor made it seem at times more like a lively pub than an elegant restaurant, this did not take much away from the overall experience.

Sidney Street Café is located in the Benton Park neighborhood near the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. Though we had detailed directions, we still got lost trying to find the restaurant. When we finally arrived, the décor caught us by surprise. The exposed brick walls and street lamp style light fixtures looked like they belonged in a different environment. Additionally, there were several large groups in the main dining room creating a great deal of noise. Needless to say, we were not off to a great start.

This situation did not improve much after being seated at a very small table against the wall. However, once we saw the menu, our sprits were raised. As there was only one hand-written menu due to occasional changes made to the courses, our very attentive waitress explained every dish in detail. She also explained that it is possible to choose several appetizers to make a sampler plate.

The menu consists of a wide array of choices, including lobster, steak, lamb, duck and chicken. Several of the first courses are more traditional, such as the crab corn cake, while others, like bacon-wrapped honey mustard shrimp, are less common and very interesting. Perhaps the most enticing dish on the menu was the pasta of the day, which was duck ravioli. The list of entrees has several fish choices, as well as a variety of meats and a vegetarian option. In addition, the main course comes with either the soup of the day or one of several salads. Finally, Sidney Street Café also has an extensive wine list and drink menu.

To start, we decided on veal dumplings and duck ravioli. The veal dumplings are pot stickers filled with veal, spinach, corn and ginger and served with a Chinese salsa. The veal was tender and delicious, while the Asian flavors were spicy but not too overpowering. The duck ravioli was particularly excellent, with very well-cooked pasta and flavorful meat.

The soup of the day was a house beef tenderloin soup, which was tasty but couldn’t compare to the first course. Though the taste was good, the consistency was less than appetizing. While there were several salad choices, we picked the house salad. This dish was simple but delightful thanks to the freshness of the greens.

Finally, our main courses of Tuscan sea bass and buttermilk chicken arrived. The sea bass was lightly breaded and topped with asiago cheese. It was very light and cooked perfectly. The asparagus and string beans served with the fish added a refreshing aspect to the dish. The buttermilk chicken was also delicious. It was extremely tender and aesthetically pleasing, as it was served in a small pot. This dish also came with vegetables, which were good, but the best part of the entrée was the side of fingerling potatoes. They were slightly crunchy and truly delectable with the light gravy from the chicken.

Though at first we weren’t sure about Sidney Street Café, it proved itself through delicious, well-cooked food and an interesting menu. We would recommend it for a date, special occasion or, of course, dinner with visiting parents.

Stepping Out: other graduation restaurants

Monday, May 5th, 2008 | Brooke Schachner and Eric Bierman

A map of the best restaurants to go to before and after graduation

Pomme Restaurant
40 North Central Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63105

Pomme is a classic French bistro with 14 tables and impeccable service, located right in downtown Clayton. Be sure to try the lamb, duck confit and apples for Olivia.

1059 South Big Bend
St. Louis, MO 63117

Harvest boasts a seasonal menu, serving the freshest local ingredients. The spa menu delivers the most delicious low-fat, low-cholesterol food you have ever eaten.

Eleven Eleven Mississippi
1111 Mississippi Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63104

Sauce magazine reader’s choice #1 restaurant in the city. You cannot go wrong with anything on the menu.

Trattoria Marcella
3600 Watson Road
St. Louis, MO 63100

Trattoria Marcella is one of The Hill’s finest Italian restaurants. The tenderloin, pastas and fish are excellent.

Word on the Street

Monday, May 5th, 2008 | Michelle Stein
Scott Bressler

“What was the best part of your four years at Washington University in St. Louis?”

“The small community and teachers…the ability to take that passion outside the classroom and start a student group or do anything with it. It literally is the Ivy of the Midwest. You have all this power and prestige, and it is so accessible.”

-Michael Morgan

“Improv-the ability to make a difference on campus by being part of a public group.”

-Atina Rizk

“My favorite part has been the relationships I made and the friendships I’ve gained. Just thinking about the future and the friendships I will keep in touch with.”

-Marcus Woods

“My friends, obviously…Just hanging out. I will miss not having responsibilities.”

-Mark Sobin

The hottest places to study on campus

Monday, April 28th, 2008 | Lana Goldsmith and Steve Hardy
Scott Bressler

It’s reading week and everyone needs to study, so where do people go? It seems like everyone goes to Olin, making it full of distractions-if you can even find a seat. Most students at the University do not take advantage of the fact that Washington University is home to 16 libraries, each with its own unique collection of special materials, from the extensive sheet-music selection at Gaylord Hall to the miniature book collection currently on display in the Gingko Room at Olin. As finals approach, it is a great time to look into the resources these different libraries can offer you. The following are some of the most interesting places with exceptional collections.

Hopefully this will give you an idea of some of the more productive places to work on campus that are easily accessible. Good luck on finals and have a great summer!

Law Library

This library is a gorgeous place to work. From the top floor, you have more than a 180-degree view of campus and downtown Clayton. Best of all, it is well lit, quiet and technologically equipped. Nearly all of the tables are wired to give Internet access to students with laptop computers.

If you live on the North Side, this may be a closer studying option than Olin; just be careful not to let people know that you are an undergrad, because they may not appreciate you taking up their study space.

Gaylord Hall Music Library

Gaylord has everything from classical and baroque sheet music to Real Books. For those who are not down with the jargon, ‘The Real Book’ is a collection of jazz standards.

They also have an impressive collection of albums, particularly of jazz music. All of these are available for checkout, so this is a great place to pick up some new tunes to help you study.

As far as studying goes, it is not the best, though, mostly because it is small. All of the librarians and student helpers, however, are amiable and passionate about music.

East Asian Library

If you are looking for a quiet place with a nice atmosphere, the East Asian Library, located in January Hall, is the place to go. Several large chandeliers hang over the rows of heavy wooden desks. The second level of stacks is invisible from the main room, hidden away behind beautiful wooden arches.

The library itself is not very large, but there is plenty of room to spread out, and it is never crowded. For those interested in the ancient world, the Classics Department is housed in these stacks. Otherwise, nearly the entire collection housed there is in Korean, Chinese or Japanese.

Should you require assistance of any kind, the librarians are extremely friendly and respectful of the people studying there.

Special Collections and Archives – Olin

While students can’t really study in the Special Collections room, this collection may have resources that could help write a final paper or provide more background information for an exam. The librarians there specialize in dealing with special collections and can assist you with in-depth research.

The Special Collections section houses many first editions and primary sources that could be useful.