Archive for February, 2008

Recent Top Performers

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Josh Goldman

Troy Ruths

Men’s basketball

The senior scored 31 points and grabbed 11 rebounds as he was honored on senior day as the team beat New York University 62-51 Sunday. With that stellar performance, he moved into second place on the career points list. He added 14 points and four assists as the team fell to Brandeis University 68-66 Friday.

Janice Evans

Women’s basketball

The sophomore notched a double-double with 14 points and a career high 13 rebounds en route to upsetting No. 24 Brandeis University Friday 74-56. She then recorded a career-high 19 points against NYU Sunday.

Angela Hartman

Women’s track and field

The senior recorded an NCAA provisional qualifying time en route to winning the 800-meter run at the Wartburg College Invitational over the weekend with a time of 2:16.70. This also set a Wash. U. season-best time in the event.

David Chao

Men’s swimming and diving

The freshman was named UAA Rookie of the Year, following a second place in the 400-yard freestyle relay, a first place finish in the 800-yard freestyle relay and fourth place finishes in the 200-yard freestyle and 100-yard freestyle.

John Watts

Men’s tennis

The sophomore and top-ranked singles player in Division III tennis went 5-1 at the Indoor championships over the weekend. He beat all of his opponents from DePauw University, University of California-Santa Cruz and Emory University in singles, while going 2-1 in doubles with freshman Isaac Stein. The team also upset second-ranked Emory University in the third place match.

It’s title time

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Josh Goldman

Congratulations to senior Troy Ruths of the men’s basketball team who was named ESPN The Magazine’s Academic All-American Player of the Year for the second consecutive year. He was also named a finalist for the Jostens Trophy, which rewards basketball ability, academic excellence and community service.

The winners of both the men’s and women’s basketball games Saturday will take the UAA titles and automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. Can’t go to Chicago to catch all of the action live? Go to to follow the teams via live status and Internet radio.

Solo senior Tibesar leads by example

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Josh Goldman
Scott Bressler

At the end of this season, the Washington University basketball team will lose its only senior to graduation, co-captain Sarah Tibesar. She has been at Wash. U. for five years pursuing a dual degree. In May, she will receive a B.S. in mechanical engineering and an MBA This year marks her third as a member of the women’s basketball team.

“I signed up for a PE racquetball class in fall semester of 2005 and was noticed for my height. The basketball coaches asked me if I’d like to try out for the team, and the rest is history. I consider it a very fortunate accident that I ended up playing basketball here,” said Tibesar.

Though she began playing for Wash. U. as a junior, the 6-3 Tibesar was no stranger to the game.

“I played on my first basketball team when I was in fourth grade, but I’d been watching games for years at that point. My two older brothers both played basketball when we were growing up, so I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t following at least one of their teams when I was little,” said Tibesar.

She also played volleyball and was a member of the track and field team in high school.

“I enjoy playing all kinds of sports for fun, but basketball has always been my favorite and the one that I’m most eager to put a lot of effort into improving at,” she added.

In three years at Washington University, Tibesar has averaged around 1.5 points per game and usually grabs a rebound or two.

Tibesar leads by example. “She has a passion for the tradition of the program. Whatever role she has to do she understands,” said Head Coach Nancy Fahey. “The thing that’s going to hold [with me] is the number of times we sat in this gym and how many extra minutes she puts into her game. She comes in all the time.”

Tibesar also helps keep team morale high, which is important in winning games.

“She’s good at keeping her head up and being positive and really supportive no matter what’s going on,” added junior point guard Shanna-Lei Dacanay.

“She really has a great sense of humor and knows how to make people laugh,” stated fellow co-captain Jill Brandt, a junior. “When she takes a charge, it just refuels the team and gets everyone else going.”

Tibesar and the Lady Bears play their final regular season game Saturday against the University of Chicago. Both teams have a 10-3 UAA record, and the winner will claim the UAA title for the 2007-2008 season. The Maroons and the Bears last met on Jan. 12 in St. Louis to open UAA play, a game won by the Lady Bears 67-56.

Romance 101

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Nicolle Neulist

Playing hard to get is a tradition as old as dating itself. However, it’s not an honest way to approach trying to date someone new.

Playing hard to get merely disguises your true desires and intentions. It can also get frustrating for whomever you are trying to flirt with. Some people may find it interesting and alluring for a short period of time, but it gets old quickly. Sooner rather than later, they might just get fed up.

People most often justify and encourage playing hard to get by saying that no one is interested in dating a person who is waiting for them like a lost puppy dog. So, they reason, they need to feign an extremely busy schedule to imply that they have a lot of things going on in their life, and possibly even imply that many other people are interested in them. Someone who has nothing going on except one flirtation that they cling to is probably not a very alluring dating option, but trying to avoid looking that way by playing hard to get assumes that there is no grey area between overly available and completely unavailable.

Instead of using that game as a way to imply that there are interesting things going on in your life, tell the person in whom you’re interested about things that you’re up to. You don’t need a sneaky game to prove you’re worth knowing-because you are worth knowing. You don’t reach young adulthood without having some things that make you interesting. Work those things to your advantage. Talk about some of your interests and hobbies with them. Act confidently, be yourself, let them know what makes you unique. They’ll figure out that you’re a good catch a lot more quickly than they would if you strung them along by playing hard to get.

If someone who you are interested in asks you out and you’re interested in going, go out with them if you’re free at the suggested time. If you’re not free, decline, but tell them that you’re interested in going out with them at some time when you are free. If you want to sound interesting, be open about what you’re up to that is keeping you busy during the first suggested time. It might start up a good conversation.

You can eradicate game-playing from the other side as well. If you get the feeling that someone you are interested in is playing hard to get, encourage them not to do so. Start gently. Ask them when they are free to do something. Make it clear that you’re interested in going out with them; it is far more comfortable for them if you take away the opportunity for them to fear rejection. If they continue to drag their feet and it still looks like they are playing hard to get, call them on it. Tell them, in so many words, that you don’t appreciate that they’re playing hard to get. Tell them that you are trying to work around their schedule, but that you would appreciate if they would make time for you if they would like to go out, and to tell you if they don’t actually want to do anything.

If you break the cycle of playing hard to get, your dating life will become significantly demystified. Instead of worrying about the right time to express your interest in someone or the right time for them to express their interest in you, you can focus on scheduling a date and seeing what happens.

Stepping Out

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Brooke Schachner and Eric Bierman

Barrister’s in Clayton

Rating: 4.5
15 N. Meramec
Clayton MO, 63105
Price Range: $1-20

We stumbled upon Barrister’s in downtown Clayton just looking for a good cheeseburger. We soon realized that Barrister’s lives up to its motto: “Not your normal pub grub.”

In addition to traditional pub food and 10 beers on tap, Barrister’s offers an extensive wine list with salads, pastas, fish and other dishes you would not expect at a bar. While it’s not a place we would necessarily recommend for drinks, Barrister’s provides a great place to get a burger, sandwich or even something more elaborate.

The bar at Barrister’s caters to a few different sets of clientele. When we went early on a Tuesday evening, we saw a crowd of middle-aged men having drinks after work and discussing John Grisham and Tom Clancy. But on a Friday night, the crowd was decidedly younger, with mostly people in their late 20s and early 30s. We also noticed Barclay’s Premier League soccer standings on the wall and a Spanish soccer game playing on two televisions. Barrister’s shows many European soccer games, especially championship games on Pay-Per-View.

Located on North Meremec in Clayton, Barrister’s is just a few minutes’ drive from campus. Additionally, Barrister’s is just a short walk from the Clayton stop on the Metro. When the weather gets nice, walking from the South 40 would even be reasonable.

The dining area-located past the nice, albeit small, bar-seemed a little too fancy for the venue vibe. It captured the theme of a pub with mirrors embossed with beer company logos and televisions playing sports, but the nice carpeting, cushioned seats and empty wine bottles lining the walls changed the feel.

The menu does have some typical pub grub: wings, pizzas and a variety of burgers and sandwiches. However, Barrister’s menu also includes crab cakes, seafood, chicken Parmesan, five salads and more.

For appetizers, the state fair onion rings are a must. A mountain of crispy, hot onion rings is served with delicious honey mustard and barbeque sauces. The portion is big enough for at least four people.

Additionally, we would recommend the coconut shrimp. Delicately breaded and served with the same honey mustard sauce lauded above, they are perfect if you are looking for something a little different from generic pub food. For soups, we tried the New England clam chowder, which was good although nothing to rave about.

Their burgers are up to par with most any other pub’s. Half-pound patties, hand-formed and served on a toasted bun are served in a variety of ways. You can choose from an old-fashioned five ounce griddle burger, a veggie burger and the Maryland crab burger topped with smoked tomato sauce.

The grilled chicken sandwich is another plate we loved. An exceptionally moist piece of grilled chicken is topped with provolone cheese and the house honey mustard sauce, all served on a toasted bun.

The cedar plank roasted salmon is another delicious choice that comes with mashed potatoes and wilted spinach. Though there was an excess of tomato aioli, the salmon was cooked well and the mashed potatoes were excellent.

For sides, diners can choose from house-made salt and vinegar chips, French fries, mashed potatoes and cole slaw. The cole slaw is exceptionally clean and the poppy seeds provided good texture and flavor. The salt and vinegar chips, while decent, were a little too thick.

Overall, Barrister’s offers excellent pub food and a variety of other appetizing dishes. It’s a great place to dine with a group of friends close to campus.

Pro-choice & Pro-life

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Steve Hardy
Scott Bressler

As a woman steps out of the Hope Clinic, Bill Gover implores her, “When you’re crying at night, don’t turn to the booze or the drugs. Turn to Jesus Christ.” The Illinois center provides abortions, and Gover is one of many protesters who come out every Saturday morning to demonstrate against the facility. He carries a large green and white “Jesus” sign and follows patients as they walk from their cars to the door of the clinic.

Alongside the protesters, another group of people waits for patients to arrive. They are volunteer escorts, and their job is to get women who seek abortions at the clinic past the protesters safely and comfortably. Many of these volunteer escorts are Wash. U. students.

The anti-abortion protesters have many colorful names for the volunteers.

“They call us murderers and deathscorts,” says Hallie Marin, a senior who escorts at Hope Clinic. “They ask us why we hate little children.”

Student volunteers have experienced harrowing episodes of protesters following them, yelling at them, calling out insults and even trying to block their passage. Some of the protesters take pictures of clinic workers and volunteers and post them online so they can be identified easily. Senior Becca Widzer, co-president of Students for Choice and a three-year escort, has been posted on such a site, though she says nothing came of it.

Widzer still remembers one protester’s sign that caught her attention when she first started volunteering. “It said ‘Abortion is the Next Holocaust,'” Widzer said. “It shocked me, and I thought, ‘How dare you!'”

This past Saturday morning-at a time when protesters are typically out in force-Hope Clinic was relatively quiet and only a handful of demonstrators were out talking to the patients. One group merely stood by the door praying silently, with red tape over their mouths with the word “LIFE” written across it. A seminarian led one group of Catholics in praying the rosary.

“We hope that the last thing that baby hears is a prayer,” said demonstrator Joe Schmidt.

“It is a baby. It has fingernails, a beating heart,” said seminarian Brian Alford. “We’ll find an adoptive home or refer them to Project Rachel.”

Project Rachel is a Catholic ministry which helps young, unwed and struggling mothers. Women are encouraged to go to them even after an abortion for counseling.

This calm Saturday morning of fairly quiet protests was atypical, according to student volunteers and Debra Knox Diedermann, the Missouri clinic escort program coordinator for the national organization NARAL Pro-Choice America. Diedermann is also a counselor at Hope and trains new escorts at Wash. U. through Students for Choice.

“I often see patients bawling because they’ve been so brutalized by protesters,” she told new volunteers at a recent training session.

Diedermann says that St. Louis has a particularly violent history of pro-life and pro-choice clashes. A clinic doctor in the area was kidnapped years ago by protesters, and some demonstrators were known to enter clinics and lie down on the floor during the 1980s. Legislature has been passed to restrict the areas where protesters may demonstrate.

Demonstrators today use a variety of methods in their protests. John Bailiff hands out tiny plastic fetuses to women entering the Hope Clinic. He also reads from an annotated and heavily worn Bible. Bailiff said he started protesting on Sept. 8, 2001, and he feels a certain symbolism in the timing. He will tell you that after 40 million U.S. abortions were performed, 9/11 happened, followed by Hurricane Katrina. Last Saturday, he wondered aloud what will happen once 50 million abortions have been performed.

“We’re dealing with spiritual warfare here,” Bailiff proclaimed. “When you shed innocent blood, it brings the wrath of the Lord on the nation.”

Gover agreed, saying that women have become desensitized to abortion during the time he has demonstrated.

“I see very few tears now. It’s like getting a tooth pulled.” Gover and other protesters will sometimes call out to the escorts as well as the patients. “The wicked walk hand-in-hand!” he yelled.

At volunteer training, escorts are repeatedly told not to speak to or even look at the demonstrators. They are also warned not to use each others’ names at the clinics. Widzer and Diedermann agree that demonstrators will constantly goad an escort whose name they know.

The escorts are also trained to interact with women facing a variety of emotions, from fear to anger to denial. They are told to try to keep the women and their companions talking about mundane things like the weather so as not to upset them while trying to tune out the demonstrators. Additionally, the escorts are taught to try to dissuade patients from speaking with the demonstrators. They place themselves physically between the patients and the approaching protesters, who often give out the plastic babies, bibles and graphic fliers.

In escort training, Diedermann tells the prospective escorts to expect some morbid signs and handouts. This past Saturday, one man did try to give women fliers with photos of dead, dismembered fetuses; other demonstrators tell patients about a fetus’ stages of development. Diedermann says that the fetuses on the handouts are frequently stillborns, not aborted babies. She tells prospective escorts that if a woman asks them if the demonstrators are telling the truth, their response should be, “They can say whatever they want.”

Wash. U. students volunteer in other ways at local clinics as well. Senior Stephanie Sibilia works as a counselor at Planned Parenthood. “My role is to make sure that they understand the procedure and ensure that this is their decision,” said Sibilia. “I like to be a comfort, someone they can talk to without being judged.” But she warns against romanticizing her position, adding, “The clinics are not happy places. There is no sense of relief.”

The guidebook provided for escorts in training suggests that students “debrief” after a few hours of escorting by talking to a sympathetic friend or getting coffee with other volunteers. Escorts say volunteering can be exhausting and emotionally draining, and some volunteers find that close friends and family members sometimes do not support their volunteering.

Sibilia also found herself in a tricky situation with her own mother, who is a pro-life Catholic.

“Initially, my mother was completely against it,” said Sibilia. “We didn’t talk about it for the first year.” She says that since then, they have opened up communication and, though neither has converted the other, they better understand one another.

Diedermann herself was raised Catholic. She says that when she hears peaceful protesters pray the Hail Mary or Our Father, it is actually a source of comfort for her.

Two-year escort and Wash. U. junior Alyssa Pagliere said that there needs to be dialogue between pro-lifers and pro-choicers.

“I have friends who are actively pro-life, and I think that it’s good to have open discussion,” said Pagliere. “I don’t feel the need to be aggressive about it.”


Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Ben Sales

Friday, February 29

“Leap into Linus” Concert
Join the Linus Foundation for “Leap into Linus,” a concert by Melvin Turnage, a local Motown artist, at Lumen from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Formal dress is recommended; age 21+.

Budweiser Sports Trivia Championship
Come to the Scottrade Center, 1401 Clark Ave. in St. Louis, at 7 p.m. for the 5th Annual Sports Trivia Championship presented by Budwiser.

Saturday, March 1

Relay For Life
Walk toward a cure at Relay For Life, from 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. at Francis Field.

The Octopus Project
Head to the Gargoyle at 8 p.m. to see the Octopus Project, a rock and pop band.

Sunday, March 2

Pelican, featuring- Black Cobra and Earthly Trance
Go to the Gargoyle from 7 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. for a concert by Pelican, also featuring Black Cobra and Earthly Trance.

Pie in the face

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Kat Zhao
Scott Bressler

Senior Ben Kay throws a pie in Dean Chris Kroeger’s face at Cheap Lunch Wednesday afternoon in Lopata Hall. The event marked the conclusion of the EnCouncil Penny Wars, an event aimed at fundraising for Relay For Life. EnCouncil announced that Penny Wars raised $150 to support Relay For Life.

Concealed carry garners student support nationwide

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Kat Zhao

In light of the shootings at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University (NIU), students across the nation have assembled in support of policies for concealed carry of guns on college campuses.

The group known as Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) has garnered more than 18,000 members, becoming the largest non-profit student organization advocating the right to carry concealed guns for safety and security reasons.

Some Washington University students, like College Libertarians President Mitchell Port, identify with SCCC’s goals. Port sees support for concealed carry in the Second Amendment.

“The right to bear arms is a fundamental right, and being able to protect yourself is extremely important,” said Port.

The state of Missouri grants concealed carry licenses, but the University prohibits carrying firearms on its campus, except in the case of licensed police officers of the Washington University Police Department.

“Basically, as a private university, [the University] can set its own rules,” said Port. “We think it would be better, and we encourage [the administration] to consider concealed carry.”

According to a description on SCCC’s Facebook page, students comprise 90 percent of SCCC’s membership while parents, faculty and others make up the remaining 10 percent.

“When we started, it was pretty much just a group on Facebook to get like-minded individuals together. Since then, we’ve had a nationwide protest, with the second one being planned for [this coming] April,” said Stephen Feltoon, Midwest regional director for the group and a graduate of Miami University in Ohio.

According to Feltoon, 36 states grant concealed carry licenses to those “qualified. ” To qualify, the license carrier must meet several requirements including age, criminal history and freedom from drug addiction. Many of the states also have a method checking mental health databases.

Despite the large number of states providing licenses for concealed carry, few colleges in those states permit licensees to do so on campuses. “The rules vary by state. In Virginia, [concealed carry] is legal. Virginia law says that each individual university can create their own policy. Most prohibit firearms,” said Feltoon.

SCCC said it would like to see that changed. The group advocates the right of anyone with a valid license to carry a concealed handgun on any college campus in a state that permits concealed carry in public.

“Right now, we’re trying to work with state legislators that support favorable legislation,” said Feltoon.

Port does not however, believe the University would ever support sanctioning concealed carry at the University due to the administration and the student population.

“If they tried or did enact it, there would be a large outcry against it. Even if it had gotten past the administration, the student response to it would make it have to change and go back to not allowing it at all,” he said.

The College Libertarians plan to host an informational event for students to learn more about the arguments behind reduced gun control.

“Wash. U. is primarily a liberal school. Students don’t hear the other side of the issue,” said Port. “A lot of the statistics that I’ve looked at have shown that it is actually safer when people do have the ability to carry weapons. A lot of times people who do have guns are able to stop crimes or protect themselves.”

Samuel Fuqua, a sophomore at NIU and the provisional campus leader for SCCC, agrees with Port’s position.

“Statistically, more guns haven’t meant more violence,” he said. “The idea is that if we allow students to protect themselves on campus, there will be lower crime rate on campus, because concealed carry states have lowered crime rates.”

Fuqua doubts that gun control changes will be made on the NIU campus anytime soon since the state of Illinois prohibits concealed carry. However, he believes many students at NIU are beginning to support the possibility.

“From what I’ve heard, it’s been very pro concealed carry. I haven’t talked to everyone about it, but it seemed like there are a lot of people who would like to see concealed carry on campus,” he said.

Currently, 13 states are considering legislation that would permit concealed carry on college campuses.

Student site makes cramming easier

Friday, February 29th, 2008 | Teddy White
Courtesy of Ryan Hwang

A group of Washington University students are revolutionizing education with the recent launch of their new Web site, Schoology.

Schoology provides an online venue where students can share class notes, help each other with classes through online tutoring and make money at the same time.

When students join Schoology’s system of virtual education, they have the ability to download the class notes that others have posted on the Web site for free. To provide incentive for students to upload their notes, 90 percent of the Schoology advertising revenue will be distributed to the contributors.

“No one is going to post their notes if they are not getting compensated,” said Jeremy Friedman, one of the four juniors who founded the Web site.

Schoology uses an algorithm that takes a number of different factors into consideration, including the number of times that a posting of notes is viewed, to determine the distribution of compensation.

The notes are rated by readers on a five-star scale, which, according to Friedman, “forces people to upload legitimate, quality notes.”

Friedman conceived Schoology’s concept in March 2007, and up to its official launch this past Tuesday, the site has been constantly revised and improved with the help of co-founders Greg Mervine, Ryan Hwang and Tim Trinidad.

“We’ve remade the site so many times, each time weeding out components to make it simpler to use,” said Trinidad.

Schoology also offers an innovative system of online tutoring, whereby students can sign up to tutor others in various subjects for a self-selected rate that is paid by the minute. Students can contact the tutors through the Web site’s chat system. Past customers rate tutors and customers then decide whether the tutor will provide a worthwhile service.

“Students can get a feel for what the tutor knows,” said Hwang. “They can ask basic questions to see if the tutor is really an expert in what they say.”

Users of Schoology can add money to a prepaid account, which can be used to pay for tutoring services.

The account balance is automatically transferred by the minute to the tutor’s account at the rate that the customer agrees to pay. The customer can end the tutoring session at any time after the first minute so that no additional funds are transferred.

Individual tutoring sessions can also be merged together into large group sessions. There are already more than 100 registered tutors available on the Web site, and the founders are pursuing the services of professional tutors as well.

The educational service capabilities of Schoology are not limited to tutoring. Students can use the “job request” feature that allows them to request help for a specific task including math problems and proofreading papers.

Another user can provide the job request for a set price, whereupon the customer has the ability to ask for clarifications before either accepting or declining the help.

Schoology’s founders credit Burchan Bayazit, professor of computer science and engineering, for helping them develop a search system that can scan the context of the posted articles for an accurate match, similar to a search that is conducted on Google.

Bayazit also helped the students develop a feature on the site called “Whiteboarding.” Described by founders as a “virtual blackboard,” Whiteboarding allows a tutor to draw visual diagrams on the Web site that are instantly viewed by the customer.

“Schoology aims to create a collaborative environment, where people can come together to help each other learn,” said Friedman. “We are excited to enter the world of digital education, and are encouraged by the possibilities.”