October 16 – 1:39 a.m., DISTURBANCE, FRATERNITY ROW – Two Spann employees reported that as they were descending the stairs east of Fraternity House #9 someone threw an apple at them. No one was injured and there were no witnesses. The incident has been referred to the Greek Coordinator.
October 18 – 9:22 p.m., SUSPICIOUS PERSON, OLIN LIBRARY – A student reported that on October 13, October 16, and again on October 18, they observed a heavyset white male in his mid thirties acting suspiciously in the library. On the first occasion the subject took pictures of the student’s feet. The subsequent times, the subject sat near the student. The man never spoke or touched the student.
March 27 – 12:30 a.m., ASSAULT, ALPHA EPSILON PI – A student at Frat #9 stated that they were punched several times by a prospective freshman potentially from Indiana. The victim was treated and released. An investigation is still being continued.
September 9 – 10:36 p.m., SEXUAL OFFENSE, OLIN LIBRARY – WU alumni, visiting Olin Library, stated that while on the fourth level reading area, he observed a subject on a couch with his pants partially down. He further stated that he recognized the perpetrator (white male, mid-40’s, 5’9″, 150 pounds, brown hair and eyes wearing white shorts and a blue ballcap) as one he had seen in the library sometimes in November 1997, at which time he had observed the subject being arrested.
October 4 – 1:58 p.m., MISCELLANEOUS CALL, MALLINCKRODT CENTER – The manager of the Food Court stated that on today’s date, several people walked out of the food court without paying for their food. Subjects suspected to be students.
February 8 – 1:47 a.m., DISTURBANCE, OLIN LIBRARY – A WU employee reported that he thought students were photocopying their backsides. One subject was identified by the employee as suspect.
April 7 – 4:27 a.m., LARCENY-THEFT, HOLMES LOUNGE – A contracted employee reported four young white males attempting to take a brown leather chair from Holmes Lounge. A vehicle description and plate number were given. One subject in the vehicle was identified.
September 15 – 10:56 p.m., DISTURBANCE, NORTH BROOKINGS – WU student “dumped” a full drink in an open container over a staff member at the archway between North and South Brookings. Incident was prompted by complaints about the alcohol policy.
October 8 – 3:37 a.m., LARCENY-THEFT, BEAR’S DEN -ÿA student attempted to conceal a piece of cheese by putting it in his pocket and became abusive toward the manager upon being discovered.
January 26 – 3:19 p.m., LARCENY-THEFT, GIVENS HALL -ÿTwo WU students reported that person(s) unknown stole their Hot Wheels model cars from the above location. These cars were being used for a class project. Value of theft $50.00. No witnesses or suspects found.
April 19 – ASSAULT, MUSIC COMPLEX -ÿBeta Delta sorority fight ensued between sorority members from different colleges over jacket with the WU and sorority logos on it.
October 10 – 7:19 p.m., DRUG OFFENSE, WHEELER HOUSE -ÿThree WU students were observed smoking a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana from a homemade device behind Wheeler. All three were taken into custody for Violation of the Missouri Controlled Substance Act and will be referred to the Judicial Administrator.
October 17 – 10:54 a.m., LARCENY-THEFT, MCMILLAN HALL – A WU student stated that between October 12, 3:30, and October 15, 8:30 a.m., unknown person(s) entered his locked office located in McMillan B25, and took a bottle of tequila and $15 in cash. A search of the area for witnesses met with negative results. Loss estimated at $25.
October 26 – 10:15 p.m., SUSPICIOUS PERSON, LIEN HALL -ÿWU student stated that while studying in Ursa’s, an unknown male dropped his pants and began to walk around in his boxer shorts. Subject was determined to be a disoriented elderly man and was escorted off the premises.
November 14 – 3:42 p.m., LARCENY-THEFT, MALLINCKRODT CENTER – Unknown person took one of the two double doors (3 feet by 7 feet) on the east side entrance of the Gargoyle, located inside of the Mallinckrodt center. Loss estimated at $1,500.
January 31 – 6:33 p.m., LIQUOR VIOLATION, PARKING LOT #54 – Two students walked in front of the police station carrying cases of beer. When asked both stated they were underage. The items were entered into evidence and the incident was referred to the Judicial Administrator.
February 6 – 9:54 a.m., PROPERTY DAMAGE, RESIDENTIAL LIFE – Someone spray painted “PATS WIN!” in blue paint on a limestone brick planter box located in front of Ursa’s Lounge.
February 10 – 9:30 a.m., FOUND PROPERTY, UNDESIGNATED AREA OFF CAMPUS – WUPD radio dispatcher received a phone call from someone who stated that a WU golf cart had “crashed” into a tree in the rear yard of 6619 Kingsbury. University City Police Department and WUPD responded to the scene. Estimated damage to the front of the vehicle $300.00. There was no apparent damage to the tree.
February 18 – 2:46 p.m., LARCENY-THEFT, RUBELMAN DORM – Victim stated that between 2:30 a.m., February 15, and 10:30 a.m., February 16, she lost her wallet. She believed she left her key in the lock of her room with the wallet attached when she came in on February 16. Loss estimated at $50.
March 14 -ÿ5:39 p.m., JUDICIAL VIOLATION, BROOKINGS QUADRANGLE – WU student was referred to the Judicial Administrator for driving his car in the Quad.
March 17 – 2:41 a.m., SEXUAL OFFENSE, FRATERNITY ROW – Student was urinating in a public place. The subject resisted being interviewed, and was conveyed to the station pending charges and judicial violations.
March 26 -ÿ12:19 p.m., SUSPICIOUS PERSON, BEAUMONT DORM -ÿStudent stated that she has been approached on four different occasions throughout the school year by an unknown male who makes comments regarding the victim’s feet. Student stated that the comments are disturbing and wants this department to be aware of the matter.
March 26 -ÿ7:45 p.m., SEXUAL OFFENSE, OLIN LIBRARY -ÿWhite, blond male wearing a yellow t-shirt with “Security” written on it was seen viewing pornography and masturbating in a computer lab. Subject left the library when he realized he had been seen.
April 10 – 9:11 p.m., PEACE DISTURBANCE, INTRAMURAL FIELD – Student stated that during a WU sponsored event, several males yelled and shouted obscenities, disturbing the peace.
April 14 – 6:14 p.m., PROPERTY DAMAGE, GREGG RESIDENCE HALL -ÿStudent reported that he had returned after being gone for two days and discovered that his door had been kicked in. A suitemate confessed to the damage because the reporting party’s alarm clock was sounding. Incident was referred to the Judicial Administrator.