Archive for October, 2012

Who Runs the World? GIRLS.

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 | Georgie Morvis

Lots of awesome news for women these days.

First off, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are hosting the Golden Globes. This is perfection. They’re funny, they had great chemistry together on Weekend Update, and they aren’t Ricky Gervais.

Second, Beyonce is the halftime performer at the 2013 Super Bowl. This will obviously go down as the greatest halftime show in Super Bowl history.

Admire Beyonce’s brilliance in this video.

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NEW MUSIC POST: Skyfall, by Adele

Thursday, October 4th, 2012 | Georgie Morvis

Sure, Adele is pregnant. But that didn’t stop her from releasing a new song today for the James Bond movie of the same name, Skyfall. And it’s typically brilliant. Her already-legendary-and-single-handedly-saved-the-music-industry voice soars over a 77-piece orchestra, and it is the right balance of sultry and mystery. It sounds exactly like I expected it to, and that doesn’t even bother me one bit . I hope it wins the Best Original Song Oscar.

Listen to Skyfall here.

NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Oath, by Cher Lloyd feat. Becky G.

Thursday, October 4th, 2012 | Georgie Morvis

Earlier today I reviewed Cher Lloyd’s new album, Sticks and Stones. The new music video for one of my favorite songs off the album, Oath, was just released.. It’s a very average music video, but Lloyd pulls off a number of extremely different looks, which speaks margins about her beauty. This is only the second time I’ve ever seen Becky G, and maybe this is just my Snooki-missing heart speaking, but I’d like to see her more often.

Watch the video here.

Um… So… Yeah…

Thursday, October 4th, 2012 | Georgie Morvis

Maybe you saw the debate last night between President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney. Apparently there was a moderator, PBS’ Jim Lehrer, but I certainly couldn’t tell. The Twitterverse was on it almost immediately. Here’s our new favorite parody account, Silent Jim Lehrer.

Review: “Once Upon a Time” Season Two Premiere

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 | aschvimer

It’s not surprising that a show like “Once Upon a Time,” which aired its season premiere this past Sunday, is popular; fairytales never really go out of style. The cast is impressive: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison and Eion Bailey, to name a few, (speaking of which, what did they do to Pinocchio???) and Goodwin’s real-life romance with co-star Josh Dallas is too perfect for words. How the writers weave together the different characters (example: Rumpelstiltskin is also Belle’s Beast) is intricate, clever and original.

However, keeping up with all of the storylines as a whole takes a lot of mental work. Personally, I like shows that make me think. For the show’s purpose, I think it also fits to run multiple stories beyond the core storyline. On the other hand, what classifies as a fairytale? In the season opener, Mulan was introduced with Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), and I couldn’t help but think, “really?”

The problems from the first season have not been ironed out yet, even though in the current season, time in the fairytale world has caught up with Storybrooke. With so many characters in both worlds, it’s easy to get lost within all of the storylines. Even though it’s the stories that make the show, the writing airs on the melodramatic side. Then again, what can you expect from a fairytale story?

But really, I’m hooked. I’m a sucker for fairytales, and I’m a sucker for a happy ending. Even though some may call “Once Upon a Time” a guilty pleasure, it’s not in any way poor enough to have that label. I’ll still be following for the rest of the season to see how Emma and Mary-Margaret fair in the fairytale world, and how the Storybrooke drama unfolds.

-Kara Gordon

NEW MUSIC POST: “Christmas Unicorn” by Sufjan Stevens

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 | Mark Matousek

Rejoice! Christmas has come early courtesy of Sufjan Stevens, who this morning announced a five EP, 58-song box set entitled Silver & Gold: Songs For Christmas. It will serve as a follow-up to his 2006 Christmas collection, Songs for Christmas. The epic, 12-minute “Christmas Unicorn” is the first full song from the set to be released. Sounding like a B-side from his 2010 album, Age of Adz, “Christmas Unicorn” is heavy on the computer-generated effects and grand ambition that characterized Age of Adz. It also features a re-working of Joy Divison’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart”. Yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds. You can listen to it here.

Silver & Gold: Songs For Christmas will be released on November 13.

The Oscars sink into a Quagmire.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 | Georgie Morvis

Yesterday it was announced that Seth MacFarlane, he of “Family Guy” and “Ted” (that movie about a foul-mouthed teddy bear with Marky Mark)  is hosting the Oscars. We’ve already listed our favorites. He, needless to say, was not on that list. We live in a world with Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, Albert Brooks, Amy Poehler, Hugh Jackman, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert, William Shatner, Honey Boo Boo, The Muppets, Sophia Grace and Rosie, George Clooney, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Simon Cowell, NeNe Leakes, Honey Boo Boo’s pageant pig Glitzy, corgis and Panda Ross. And we went with the writer of “Family Guy.” I thought ABC was staying away from talent from competing networks (Jimmy Fallon’s show is on NBC). I want an explanation, not three hours of vocal expressions and tired, obvious and sexist comedy.

I guess we could show a clip of one time he was funny, but really it’s a Bill Hader showcase. On the bright side, maybe Bill Hader will show up with a PTSD-inflicted puppet? A boy can dream.

Whatever Happened To…. Mr. Feeny

Monday, October 1st, 2012 | aschvimer

The other day I was at the gym, working out, when I came upon a pleasant surprise: “Boy Meets World” was on TV. This automatically made me ecstatic, as I grew up watching the trials and tribulation of Cory, Sean, Topanga, and Eric.

About five minutes into the episode, my favorite character came onto the screen: Mr. George Feeny. Infamous for his wise words of advice, and the fact that he lived next door to the main characters, Mr. Feeny was always that supporting character who stole the spotlight.

Which got me thinking: whatever happened to him (and also what is his name?!)? Mr. Feeny was played by William Daniels, a now 85-year-old still working actor. Although he has not done anything extremely significant since “Boy Meets World” ended twelve years ago, he has guest-starred in a number of television shows, including “Scrubs,” “The Closer,” “Boston Legal,” and countless others. Many of you will recognize him from his current guest role as Dr. Thomas on the critically acclaimed and vastly popular “Grey’s Anatomy.”

In addition to acting, Daniels has done extensive voice-over work since the finale of “Boy Meets World.” In 2004, he provided the voice for “Robot Pilot” in one episode of “Kim Possible,” and in 2005 he played Scythe 2.0 in “The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.” Apparently he is very skilled at sounding like a machine.

Even though Mr. Feeny’s prime may be over, we will always remember him as the voice of reason. At the end of every (okay most) episode, he was able to tie up any loose ends and ensure that everything would be all right. As cliché as this sounds, Mr. Feeny was a true teacher: both on the screen and in reality.

-Elena Bell