Archive for August, 2005

The glory of squalor

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Daniel Milstein

Summer or winter? Those two options, emblazoned on my thermostat, don’t really require much contemplation. Yet somehow those two austere stickers have become meaningful in the week and a half that I have been living in my sophomore suite. They signify just one of the many simple charms about living in an old dorm, and it’s something I do not want to see disappear.

The old dorm vs. new dorm debate doesn’t seem as important once you get out of freshman dorms. A sophomore suite isn’t that conducive to socializing when you’re already living with three or five of your best friends. But here is where the debate can reach a whole new level: while potentially frigid for freshmen who want to be in a more social atmosphere, new dorms can be magnificent for upperclassmen. The only real advantage that I see in old dorms is the balcony, which was alluring enough to make me want to live in an old dorm for a second year instead of going for a luxurious new dorm. As many people say, the new dorms are like hotels. But who really wants to live in a hotel while at college?

Living in an ugly, messy dorm is part of the college experience. It’s counterintuitive to be here-on your own for the first time-and to live in the Marriott Wydown. The relative squalor of the old dorms is more fitting. We’re trying to take care of ourselves, and the hot water goes on and off, there’s a slight odor ingrained in the walls that the maintenance staff (essentially the agents of the superintendent of the buildings, ResLife) just can’t get rid of and the cable box is broken. Frankly, it’s a dump. But for most of us, it’s the first time that we’re living on our own without our parents (who now become more monetary figures than caretakers). I doubt many of us will live in a mansion when we first get our own place. We’re supposed to be preparing for the proverbial real world in college, so let’s get ready to live like we will when we first get into the real world, too.

As the new Koenig makes Forsyth look like Lien, and rumors swirl that Liggett is in its final year, we need to fully expand the old dorm v. new dorm debate. Yes, the old dorms have concrete walls and are currently fire hazards (and that can be fixed with a simpler solution than tearing down the entire building, right?). Surely, a very high percentage of Washington University students will end up living in very fancy houses that will make neighboring houses look like old Liggett against new Koenig. But when we graduate, won’t we all end up living in fire hazards or other possible catastrophes? I sincerely hope that future residents of a dorm named Hitzeman will always be able to flick the switch on their thermostats from “summer” to “winter.”

Letters to the editor

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Brian Sotak

Check the facts

Dear Editor:

In response to Bill Maas’ charge of liberal bias, I would argue the quote he selected is quite true based on statistics. In fact, in St. Louis City, Senator Kerry carried 80 percent of the votes, and in St. Louis County, Kerry commanded a ten-point lead on President Bush. And aside from (maybe) Kansas City, Bush won every other precinct. So then wouldn’t the characterization of St. Louis as a blue dot in a sea of red be factually accurate? I can’t assert that StudLife has never slipped in its editorial candor to allow a polarized viewpoint; however, I suggest Mr. Maas cry “liberal bias” when it does, in fact, occur.

Jon Rayfield
Class of 2003, Arts and Sciences

Learn what “liberal bias” means

Dear Editor:

It’s always a “harbinger” of the fall to receive the first e-mail edition of Student Life. There is always something worth reading and something that makes me wonder if allowing cable TV in the dorms was a good idea. I say this after reading Bill Maas’ letter in your first issue. Perhaps Mr. Maas (Class of 2006)ÿcan tell us why the statement “Yet while Bush took the state of Missouri, St. Louis remained a blue dot in the sea of red Missouri” shows a “liberal bias”?

Mr. Maas and hisÿright-wing fellow travelers in the Class of 2006 who watch Fox News, listen to Rush “Oxycontin” Limbaugh and love Reverend “Assassinate First, Explain Later” Robertson should use their four years at this great University to learn to think for themselves and understand what a term means instead of simply parrotingÿthe words of their leaders.

If the sentence had read,ÿ”St. Louis is an oasis of blue in the midst of a red sea of right-wingers who watch Fox News, listen to Rush “Oxycontin” Limbaugh and love Reverend “Assassinate First, Explain Later” Robertson,” that would have been an indication of liberal bias that I certainly hope I had a small part in instilling in this newspaper. Back when I was an undergrad we had some pretty conservative students who could think for themselves-I guess that’s changed under the new affirmative action policies, which seem to be admitting students based on their wealth, social status, political orientation and the need to have students from 47 states.

Norman Pressman
Class of 1970
Student Life Editor 1969

Editorial cartoon

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Brian Sotak
Dan Daranciang

D.A.R.E. on campus

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Staff Editorial

Alcohol education seems like a good idea. Anything we can do to reduce the number of calls made to EST on any given Friday night should be positive. The AlcoholEdu program mandated by Residential Life, however, uses a counterproductive approach.

This year, all freshmen were forced to endure an informational video lasting more than two hours. Accompanying the video was a quiz to assess the information absorbed. Some of that information is quite helpful. Anyone who is going to drink should know what a BAC is and how to calculate it. It’s good to know how much liquid is in a standard shot or how many drinks a person can metabolize in an hour.

The majority of the video, however, blurs together in a poor imitation of a condensed D.A.R.E program. An annoyingly chipper, disembodied female voice explains that people may be drinking more now because it’s college. The voice goes through every stereotypical stratification of student found on campus, making sure to explain that athletes and members of the Greek community are more likely to be alcoholics.

But “don’t worry,” says the voice. If you play sports and are Greek, you may still not be a high-risk drinker.” That’s very reassuring, but it seems a mite ridiculous to spend an hour explaining to incoming freshmen who will and will not be drinking around them. Whether a person drinks or not should be a personal decision, and it should not be based on misleading statistics about sports and fraternities.

All of this is assuming that people are watching the video, which, to be honest, probably isn’t happening. It would be extremely easy to mute the computer and have the video playing in the background while Johnny Freshman learns the finer points of Snood. This is a problem. Given the length of this video and the rudimentary, sometimes insulting nature of its content, freshmen may end up ignoring essential information about alcohol in their haste to get past the tedium of watching the AlcoholEdu presentation.

In addition, the important information is something everyone should know, not just freshmen. The AlcoholEdu Web site is on lockdown for anyone who doesn’t have a password and user ID-and the only people issued those IDs are freshmen. Are we afraid someone might hack into the Web site and learn something?

A smug two-hour video is not the way to go. As part of Orientation, a group viewing of a much shorter, more pertinent, less condescending informational video would be much more appropriate and more conducive to eliciting satisfactory results.

Sonic Reduction

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Matt Simonton

If you’re planning on seeing “Last Days,” Gus Van Sant’s eulogy of Kurt Cobain, do yourself a favor: bring an iPod, a six-pack, an easy date-anything to keep you occupied during its two hours of mumbling, glacier-like crawl. Okay, okay, so it’s not that bad-William Pitt basically is Kurt, right down to his stringy blond locks and thumb-cut sweaters. It’s just that its snail’s pace makes “My Dinner With Andre” seem like “Total Recall” by comparison. C-SPAN Books is roughly 14 times as exciting.

What Van Sant does manage to accomplish, however, is the further canonization of one of the greatest musical figures of the 20th century. Kurt Cobain, even before his tragic suicide and martyr-like apotheosis, was truly the bard of his times. His heartfelt lyrics and conflicted struggle with fame struck a chord with a whole generation of slackers and skeptic Gen X’ers. To this day there’s hardly a better summation of feeling than a line like “I am my own parasite, I don’t need a host to live / We feed off of each other, we can share our endorphins.” Though he died a “rock ‘n’ roll clich‚,” as Van Sant has Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon say in the film, he’s a clich‚ whose portrait fits nicely in the long line that runs through Dylan, Reed, Costello, Rotten, and Morrissey (ironically, none of which are dead).

Since 1994, Cobain has remained the last scion of that lineage. Sure, recognizable pop stars come a dime a dozen, and it’s quite possible (though shameful) that the average Rolling Stone reader could identify Fred Durst just as easily. But the ’90s and ’00s have yet to produce a legitimate heir to Cobain’s throne, the throne of the artist whose work is incalculably earth-shattering and genre-crossing, and whose genius would have shone through no matter who the band backing them up-no offense, Dave Grohl and Kris Novoselic.

I know where I’m at fault here. I’m giving too much merit to terms like “canon” and “genius” and “Fred Durst” (you can never not be giving Fred Durst too much merit), when in fact such thinking is outdated, chauvinistic, rock fanboy claptrap. Pop music isn’t made by exceptional people, it’s made by the various scenes and movements and environments that produce it. “It’s not made by great men,” as the Gang of Four might say.

As it happens, however, you really can document the number of artists that picked up a guitar because they heard Dylan singing “Like a Rolling Stone,” or Lou Reed doing “Heroin,” or Patti Smith playing “Gloria” at CBGB’s one night-just ask them. Kurt Cobain is no exception to this tradition, although I’m not sure whether to thank him or kidney-punch him for groups like Silverchair and Bush. (No wait, I’m sure.) The only comparable band since has been Radiohead, but notice I say band; nobody’s going to forget Thom Yorke’s pasty, lazy-eyed mug, but he’s simply not an individual force like Kurt. He’s the lead singer of the band Radiohead. (Where have they been for the past three years, anyway?)

Any other contenders? If you squint hard enough, Coldplay’s Chris Martin is Thom Yorke and Bono’s bastard love child, but Martin isn’t rock god material for the same reasons that Bono fails to be. You’re more likely to see him on the cover of “People,” kissing Gwyneth, than anywhere else, just as Bono is probably shaking hands with Desmond Tutu while simultaneously fundraising for the Chronic Bedwetters Fund as you read this. You can admire them for their art and philanthropy (and I do appreciate what Bono has done with his success), but they aren’t tortured, introspective geniuses.

As Van Sant’s tedious film shows, Kurt Cobain is such a genius, still worth thinking about, and probably the last. Will there be another like him? We’re still waiting.

The 40 Year Old Virgin: Steve Carell has his leading man cherry popped

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Adam Summerville

After stealing the show in both “Bruce Almighty” and “Anchorman,” Steve Carell has finally been given the chance to see if he can successfully be the star of a movie. As Andy Stitzer, Carell plays a sweet, geeky electronics store worker who has a large collection of action figures, watches “Survivor” with his elderly neighbor, and has never had sex, despite the fact that he is 40 years old (if you were unable to figure that out from the almost riddle-like title). Andy is not a virgin for religious reasons but rather had a series of setbacks in his youth, and as time marched on he just gave up on all aspects of his love life. After being asked to join a poker game by some fellow employees (Paul Rudd, Romany Malco, and Seth Rogen), the guys discover that Andy is still a virgin and make it their goal in life to get him a girl and some action, although not necessarily in that order.

Fortunately for Steve Carell, the character he plays is both likeable and not a one note joke like his most recent forays, i.e. the smarmy anchor or the mentally handicapped weather man. Catherine Keener also puts in a good performance as she usually does. Seth Rogen is definitely the funniest member of Andy’s buddies, as Paul Rudd has a very middling performance playing a pretty uninteresting character.

The movie is sweet at times, but also manages to be one of the raunchiest movies since “There’s Something About Mary.” The ways in which the movie punishes the sincere, mild Andy are some of the most painful and yet funniest moments ever committed to film. The movie also has some of the most horribly awkward moments this side of the answering machine scene in “Swingers.” The movie vacillates between raunchy sex romp, buddy film, and romantic comedy with each part managing to do well, but it makes the film seem a bit disjointed at times.

“The 40 Year Old Virgin” is the funniest and possibly dirtiest movie of the year, narrowly edging out the also hilarious and coarse “Wedding Crashers,” but in the end, also manages to have a lot of heart.

A lesson in theatre: A look at this year’s PAD season

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Robbie Gross
Dan Daranciang

To listen to Henry Schvey talk about theater is to experience a true performance. The chair of the Performing Arts Department for 18 years, he talks about theater with the unashamed excitement of a scientist or a mathematician-as though he had just discovered it in a laboratory the previous evening and is now ready to unleash it upon humanity.

For Schvey, after all, theater is every bit as powerful and important as any scientist’s invention. When na‹ve Greeks began to transform ritual into what ultimately became ancient Western theater, they were unaware of themselves as historical figures. In today’s theater, the weight of the past bears down heavily on the present.

“Theater is a 2,500-year-old tradition of investigation,” he noted. “It’s important we don’t forget that.” Schvey, however, is not interested in cursory overviews of theatrical history for its own sake. Rather, he sees understanding the history of theater and its role in society as essential to preserving its delicate value, consistently under attack by people who wish to trivialize, if not emasculate it.

Enter the Performing Arts Department at Washington University. Unlike Broadway, the MUNY, or Division I football, the PAD has the ability to choose its works primarily for aesthetic rather than for commercial purposes. According to Schvey, this is not a minor distinction.

“I’m not interested in doing fluff,” he said. “We want to do theater that matters. Theater should affect people’s lives, and whatever we try to do, that is in the background.” The PAD’s 2005-2006 season seems to follow those guidelines. The first performance scheduled for the second week of October, to be directed by Jeffrey Matthews, is “Hair,” a musical set amidst the Vietnam War and the social protest movements of 1968. “Ipi Zombi,” scheduled for late January, to be directed by senior Pushkar Sharma, takes on superstitiously motivated lynching in modern day South Africa. Lastly is another musical, “Violet,” scheduled in April, to be directed by Annamaria Pileggi, is a story set in the racially charged American South of 1964. While some of the PAD’s previous musicals-“Guys and Dolls” and “Into the Woods”-are less known for their political commentary, Schvey promises that this year will be different. He anticipates “Hair” in particular, with an unpopular war as its subject, to have contemporary political significance. “There is a political strain” to this year’s season, he said. “Even ‘Much Ado [about Nothing],” the Shakespearian comedy he will direct in late February. “It’s one of the first feminist texts.”

Though a large part of the PAD’s success comes with the plays it chooses-the committee will start planning next year’s plays in one week-it never hurts to have great productions. Despite casts filled with busy underclassmen with demanding schedules, Schvey is pleased with this year’s crop of young actors, directors, designers, and technicians. “I feel great,” he said, as if he felt that he had to say what even his tone of voice could not fully convey. “We have an amazing faculty, and amazing students. I’m very excited.”

Offbeat St. Louis: Sights beyond the arch

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005 | Flora Lerenman

The days of thinking there’s nothing to see in St. Louis besides the Arch and the Anheuser-Busch brewery are over. And while the Loop, the Central West End, and other places within the Wash. U. shuttle limits offer hours of exploration and cultural “edutainment” (educational entertainment), the sprawling city is home to areas like Midtown and Tower Grove Park, to which the MetroLink and Metrobuses can accommodate adventurous transportation. St. Louis is teeming with inventive, underground, and eclectic concert venues, restaurants, parks, theatres, museums and activities waiting to be discovered and experienced.

Eldorado Cruise

If cheesy Mississippi riverfront cruises and mass bus tours aren’t your bag, why not try sight-seeing that’s more in tune with one’s grassroot inclinations? For those not wary of “stranger danger” (or those willing travel with at least one friend and a cell phone with 911 pre-dialed and a thumb hovering over the “talk” button), a more informal tour of the city may be in order. Imagine cruising the streets of St. Louis in a white 1972 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible while local celebrity Steven Fitzpatrick Smith perches behind the wheel recounting stories about the city’s music scene, historic neighborhoods, and even its seedier underbelly. Relish the thought? Well imagine no more, because all of these quirky details come included with the unique service Smith endearingly termed the River City Lowlife Tours. The tours are personalized and tailored to the interests of the customers. Call Steven at (314) 680-3955 or e-mail [email protected] for rates and times.


While titles such as the International Bowling Museum or a local wax museum may seem too kitschy to be fun, you may find yourself swept away into a whole day of amusement or edutainment for a student discount price, or even for free at some museums. Art galleries and artist bazaars produce some of the best free sights and sounds in several areas like the downtown Washington Ave. Also check out Cherokee St., fondly referred to as “antique row” by locals, where you can spot a gigantic wooden statue on the corner of Jefferson Ave. while thrifting at vintage stores for hand-knit treasures or bargaining with a store owner to lower the price on that bright orange rotary phone you simply cannot leave without.

Glass Factory

From 6-10 p.m. on every third Friday of every month, the Third Degree Glass Blowing Factory, founded by Wash. U. alum Jim McKelvey, provides free glass blowing demonstrations and live music in their spacious warehouse filled with colorful one of a kind glass pieces by professional and student artists alike. Located at 5200 Delmar Blvd., the Factory is open from 10 am to 5 pm Mondays through Saturdays and offers evening classes. For more details visit or call (314) 367-4527.


After a long day of combing the secret crevices of the Gateway to the West, head to the all night South City Diner on S. Grand for some decent food at decent prices and 1950s ambience. Be prepared for an impromptu dance party, as the patrons tend to have more energy at 3 a.m. than most St. Louisans. After spending time in the diner, you’re well on the way to becoming one of them.

Music Mania

The concert enthusiast in you may be looking for a place to listen to a couple of bands without having to deal with the stadium crowds and ticket prices of larger venues like the Savis Center. If you see a middle-aged man with dark, floppy hair, you may have spotted Beatle Bob, another local celebrity, who makes it his priority to attend independent concerts on an almost nightly basis. Venues like the Rocket Bar, the Creepy Crawl, and Mississippi Nights offer low-key settings with lesser-known, but much beloved bands. St. Louis also boasts a rich musical history, producing some of the first and finest blues, jazz, and rock artists of the 20th century. Scott Joplin’s house doubles as a historic landmark and music museum.

Other places to check out

Laumeier Sculpture Park
– consists of wide meadows with a collection over 80 internationally created sculpture with indoor galleries and an indoor museum shop
– admission: free

International Bowling Museum and Baseball Hall of Fame
– admission: $7.50

Black World History Wax Museum
– collection of murals and 16 wax exhibits that tell a story about the history of African Americans
– admission: $5 adults

Art Loft Theatre

Women’s soccer ranked high in pre-season, looks to build upon strengths

Friday, August 26th, 2005 | Justin Davidson
Joe Angeles, WU Photo Services

The 11th-ranked Washington University women’s soccer team captured their 2nd consecutive University Athletic Association (UAA) title last year after finishing the season with a program best 17-3-1 record, and hope to continue the trend in the upcoming season.

Afterÿadvancingÿto the NCAA Sectional Finals for the third time in school history, the Bears are already being chosen to win the UAA title once again, according to the Preseason Conference Coaches’ÿPoll.

Nevertheless, the squad has a difficult task ahead of themselves; the loss of key starters due to graduation will make for a tough transition at the start of the season. Fourteen new freshmen faces and one sophomore transfer will be representing the Red-and-Green this season, doing their part to continue the winning trend. In all, the team will haveÿ17 letterwinners and eight starters returning from last year’s squad.

The biggest hole that needs to be filled this season comes from the goalkeeper slot. Following the departure of last year’s starting goalie and co-captain, Charlotte Felber, a new goalie must step up to fill in between the goal posts. Starting all 21 games of the season, Felber allowed a mere ten goals throughout the entire season, making 48 saves and coming away with an impressive .828 save percentage, while tacking on ten shutouts in the effort.

Aside from Felber, the squad also lost co-captain Kara Karnes, Casey Herrforth, and Lindsey Ulkus to graduation. Nevertheless, Head Coach Wendy Dillinger is confident that the team can rebound.

“The team is coping pretty well,” said Dillinger. “Lottie [Felber] is definitely tough to replace, not only for her talent but her leadership on and off the field as well. Right now we have four goalkeepers fighting for the spot, but I trust that we’ll be okay. The team understands what it means to lose our seniors.”

For the rest of the freshmen, they have come into the preseason with their eyes set on contributing to the team as much as they can, and the returning players and coaches are excited about the incoming group.

“The group has been adjusting pretty well,” said Dillinger. “We have a pretty large group, and all of them have jumped in quickly and are raising the level of intensity out on the field. They’re very driven, and I believe that some of them will be able to help out this season and become important players.”

Though she is not sure if there will be any freshmen starters, Dillinger noted freshmen Lauren Mehner, LeAnne Nguyen, Shirley Lane, Caitlin Malone, and Carly Anderson to be the freshmen players, in particular, she can see stepping in and contributing to the team, while the rest of the freshmen batch is close on their heels.

During the preseason, Dillinger and her squad have been looking to improve on all aspects of the game, with a particular emphasis on attacks.

“Improving our attack leads to increased offensive production and goal scoring, which expands on our success,” explained Dillinger. “We just need to focus on winning key games, such as against Emory, Illinois Wesleyan, and Wheaton College to come out even more successful than last season.”

Two of the Bears’ three losses last season came against Emory and Illinois Wesleyan, respectively.

Junior MeghanMarie Fowler-Finn, last year’s leading goal scorer, will be returning with hopes of bringing home a conference championship once again. Fowler-Finn knocked in 11 goals during the season, had four assists, and a team-leading 26 points in 18 games last season. Additionally, she also scored four game winning goals, also a team best.

Fowler-Finn will be taking on captain duties along with fifth year senior Stephanie Ackerman this season. Ackerman, who was redshirted during her freshman year and has one last season of eligibility, will be returning to lead the team to success while she finishes pursuing her degree in ancient studies.

Additionally, Dillinger will look to juniors Talia Bucci and Sara Schroeder to step up and demonstrate the leadership they’re capable of in the offense, while she cites senior Jessie Munger and sophomore Jessica Deneweth to be the anchors in the backfield.

As a team, the Lady Bears were nearly unstoppable as a unit against opponents in 2004. Scoring 50 goals in 370 attempts, their 2.33 goals scored average trampled over their opponents’ 0.51 goals scored average. The squad also outnumbered their opponents in assists by a staggering 33 assists spread, where the Bears capitalized on 42 assists on the season to their opponents’ nine.

Fowler-Finn is optimistic about her team’s capabilities this season.

“We learned a lot last year and even though getting to the Final 8 was great, we wanted to go further. This year we have more depth and our forwards and outside midfielders are getting smarter with the ball,” said Fowler-Finn. “As long as we take what we learn from practice to our games, we’re usually very successful.

The squad starts off their 2005 campaign away against 17th ranked DePauw University and Wheaton College on September 2nd and 3rd, respectively.

Can men’s soccer defy the critics and make an NCAA berth this season?

Friday, August 26th, 2005 | Joe Ciolli
Joe Angeles, WU Photo Services

Potential. The seniors on Washington University men’s soccer team have grown accustomed to hearing this word before the start of every season. With pre-season practice still underway and the season’s first kick-off still to come, these Bears players come into each new campaign with lofty expectations.

Last season’s squad, which finished with a 12-5-2 record (3-2-2 UAA) was by no means a disappointment. However, many of the team’s players felt unfulfilled with yet another unsuccessful attempt to qualify for postseason play. With an exceptionally strong senior class that has since graduated, the Bears of last season came up slightly short in their bid for an NCAA spot.

So will this year’s team, having lost several key standouts, be able to fulfill the goal of its current seniors and play their way to a University Athletic Association (UAA) title and NCAA berth? If they’re going to have a chance against their notoriously difficult conference, the Bears must not look further than their ability to score goals.

Once again, the ultimate postseason fate of head coach Joe Clarke’s squad could be determined by the play of its attacking players. For the past three seasons, the Bears have struggled to consistently find the net. Having averaged a mere 1.39 goals per game last year, the team will need to find a player to complement senior forward Rob Weeks, who led the Bears with eight goals last fall. After Weeks, the team experienced a considerable drop off in scoring, with senior Dave Borton tallying three goals as the Bears’ second-leading scorer.

If the Bears are to have success on the offensive end this coming season, sophomore forward Onyi Okoroafor will need to have a strong impact. Okoroafor led the team with four assists last season, and showed flashes of brilliance setting up goals. If he can start scoring more of his own, Okoroafor should be dominant up top for the Bears.

In the midfield, the Bears will rely on the play of sophomore captain Elie Zenner, as well as seniors Andrew Franklin and Seth Schreiber. All three players played considerable minutes last season and will be relied upon to get the ball up to the forwards. Franklin, in particular, possesses incredible speed and should pose match-up problems on the wing.

Perhaps the biggest question mark for the Bears this fall season is their back line. Having lost all-conference standouts Matt Twardowski and Jeff LaBoskey, who both started regularly for four years, the Bears certainly have some holes to fill. Senior John Horky, who also played frequently in the midfield last season, and sophomore Ethan Silver will carry a great deal of defensive responsibility as the defense’s only two returning starters.

The Bears also will miss the goalkeeping ability of Colin Robinson, who was first team all-UAA last season. However, junior Matt Fenn appears ready to make an impact after backing up Robinson for the past two years and will be the starter for the Bears this season.

Although the Bears lost an exceptionally strong group of graduated seniors, they still carry lofty expectations going into this season. The preseason pick to finish fourth in the UAA by the Preseason Conference Coaches’ Poll, Joe Clarke’s squad hopes to make it through a perilous conference schedule and finish ahead of Carnegie Mellon University, who has been the UAA’s top team for the last few years.

So will the Bears be able to rise to the occasion and land that ever-elusive NCAA bid for its seniors? That remains to be seen. But with this season’s group of players, there’s no doubt that they have plenty of potential.

The Bears kick off the start of their seasonÿon Saturday,ÿSept. ÿ3 against Millsaps College in Memphis, Tenn.