Sex Issue

Asking my gynecologist mom your sex questions

A couple of weeks ago, Student Life sent out a form for students to anonymously ask their sexual and reproductive health questions to a gynecologist. For this year’s Sex Issue, I wanted to give people a place to ask these questions, so I called my mom, obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Jody Steinauer.

| Senior Forum Editor

The Next Taylor and Travis: The athlete-celebrity pairings StudLife wants to see

Taylor and Travis have shaken the internet in a way few others have. As a result, the StudLife Sports section (experts in both sports and pop culture), decided to share the next power couples we want to see take the world by storm.

How to write a love letter

This Valentine’s Day, it’s time to brush up on your love letter writing game. Embrace your inner Shakespeare and write your sweetheart a letter they definitely won’t forget.  1. Your letter should be on paper. No exceptions.  If you have terrible handwriting, type it and print. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, plan ahead and […]

| Junior Forum Editor

A Library of Love: Five Irresistible Romance Books

With the rise of “BookTok” — a TikTok subcommunity that centers around the discussion of books — reading romance books has become a mainstream activity. The genre, however, can be […]

| Junior Scene Editor

What kind of sex you have based on your sex song

How do you do it?

| Senior Cadenza Editor

Student Love 2019: Let me whisper in your ear

The results of Student Life’s 2019 Sex Survey!

Student Life Staff

Counterpoint: Long-distance relationships are not worth it

I do admit that there are ways to successfully navigate a long-distance relationship, but they have nothing to do with love. They have everything to do with the relationship being a precise military operation.

| Forum Editor

Point: Long-distance relationships are worth it

The main reason for entering a long-distance relationship is that the two of you are truly best friends. Not just that you get along well, not that you enjoy spending time together.

Lauren Alley | Senior Forum Editor

Staff editorial: How to woo your boo at WU

Our Editorial Board is here with some tips for how to find your soul mate (or just a date, or a friend) on campus.

When Harry boned Sally: Ranking the protagonists of top-10 romantic comedies from least to most sexual chemistry

I consulted multiple sources to compile my list of the generally-agreed-upon “Top 10 Rom-Coms of All Time” and have ranked them from least to most sexual compatibility.

Kiva Runnels | Contributing Writer

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