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Spring-semester stressors and solutions

Congrats! You made it through fall semester alive and (hopefully) unscathed. After what felt like a much-too-short winter break, campus is back and bustling. Classes are brand new, meal points have been reset, and to top it all off, it’s zero degrees outside. How will anyone survive? Although we can’t fix the janky heating systems on the South 40, we can certainly try to answer some other burning questions. 

and | Managing Scene Editor and Staff Writer

The outdoorsy student’s guide to the St. Louis outdoors

To those of you who share our car-less woes and miss the untouched paradise of your favorite hiking trail, let us share with you some nearby locations to quench your thirst for the outdoors. And to those who have a car but aren’t aware of adventure spots in St. Louis, allow us to introduce to you the great Missouri outdoors.

and | Contributing Writers

The untraditional take on traditional dorms

So, you’ve been placed in a traditional suite. The world is over. You can feel the panic creeping in, and your roommates are random, so you don’t know who you’ll spend the next nine months with. Well, two random suitemates turned friends are writing this for you, so know it’s not all catastrophic.

and | Contributing Writers

“Save Me, Scene!”: Sad and stuck in St. Louis

All my college friends are going home, and my high school friends are busy planning reunions without me. Meanwhile, I will be stuck on the South 40, surrounded by empty hallways, and relegated to the Bistro Grille in BD for most of the week. Is there even a point in trying to enjoy my break? 

| Staff Writer

Presidential plates: an investigation into the diets of Joe Biden and Donald Trump

As the famous saying goes, you are what you eat. If that’s the case, what could the presidents of our country be eating that makes them the way they are? Spoiler alert: Presidential diets are far from normal. Former President Obama was known for eating seven lightly salted almonds before bed. Ronald Reagan was a jelly bean fanatic. Richard Nixon consumed cottage cheese, pineapple slices, and a glass of milk before resigning from the Oval Office. In the name of curiosity, I decided to follow the diets of our two most recent presidents for a weekend. On Friday, I spent […]

| Contributing Writer

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