editor in chief

Q&A with the incoming Editors-in-Chief

Student Life sat down with the incoming Editors-in-Chiefs to talk briefly about their thoughts on journalism and their goals for the upcoming year. Nina Giraldo (NG) formerly served as Senior News Editor and Avi Holzman (AH) formerly served as Managing News Editor. Their tenure started on April 1.

| Editor-in-Chief 2022-23

‘He’s thinking about StudLife 24/7’: Matthew Friedman named Student Life editor-in-chief for 2021–2022

Junior Matthew Friedman’s appointment as editor-in-chief was announced by the Washington University Student Media Inc. board of directors at their annual gala held over Zoom, Feb. 12.

| Senior News Editor

Ella Chochrek named next Student Life editor-in-chief

Ella Chochrek, a sophomore from White Plains, N.Y., has been named the next editor-in-chief of Student Life for the 2017-2018 academic year. Currently, Chochrek serves as senior news editor and copy chief for the paper.

| Staff Reporter

Noa Yadidi named next editor-in-chief of Student Life

Noa Yadidi, a sophomore known by her colleagues for her journalistic enthusiasm and cross-sectional design and reporting skills, has been named editor-in-chief of Student Life for the 2016-17 academic year.

| News Editor

Megan Magray named next editor-in-chief

A photographer and active feminist known by her colleagues for her love of bats and constant cheerful attitude, sophomore Megan Magray has been named editor-in-chief of Student Life for the 2015-16 academic year.

| News Editor

Former Student Life EIC leaks confidential Athletic Department documents, forced to seek asylum at Fontbonne University

Senior Saheel Pateel, former editor-in-chief of Student Life, has fled to Fontbonne University, where he is petitioning for asylum after leaking documents proving that the Athletic Department has been spying on its own athletes.

Manuel Zimbabwe | Anti-Squirrel Vigilante

Michael Tabb named 2012-2013 editor-in-chief

Sophomore Michael Tabb has been named Student Life’s editor-in-chief for the 2012-2013 academic year. His position was announced Saturday night at the annual banquet of Washington University Student Media Inc., whose board of directors oversees Student Life. Tabb, 19, is a sophomore from York, Pa.

| News Editor

Gaertner named editor in chief for ’10-’11 year

Junior Kate Gaertner was named editor in chief of Student Life for the 2010-2011 school year. The announcement was made Saturday at the annual banquet held by Washington University Student Media Inc. (WUSMI), whose board oversees Student Life. Gaertner is currently studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland, and was notified of her selection in a Skype conversation held from the Moonrise Hotel on the Delmar Loop.

| Senior News Editor

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