Katie Marcus

Contact | 63 articles

Some students somber in wake of election

Republican businessman Donald Trump will serve as the next president of the United States as he rang in 279 electoral votes early Wednesday morning.

| Senior News Editor

Are you a(n informed) Missouri voter?

This election day, Missouri voters will be deciding on a number of issues more than just who will be the next president or governor.

| Senior News Editor

African and African-American Studies to become full department

In 1969, the Black Studies program was founded in response to protests by the Association of Black Students, who confronted administrators in Brookings Hall. Now, over 40 years later and under a different name, the African and African-American Studies Program has been upgraded to the status of a department.

| Senior News Editor

University publicly opposes controversial amendment

Amendment 3, one of the proposed changes to Missouri’s constitution that will appear on Missouri ballots Nov. 8, has voters split due to its scope of issues and precise wording. Though Washington University generally makes a commitment to remaining politically neutral, it has taken a public stance against the proposal.

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Cal Scruby to open for Chiddy Bang in SPB fall concert Friday

Cincinnati-raised rapper Cal Scruby will open for Chiddy Bang at this year’s fall concert on Oct. 21, Social Programming Board announced Monday.

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Reflections from debate chair, political journalist

Depending on who you ask, you’re likely to hear very different answers to the question “Who won the second presidential debate?” One cartoonist from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch argued it wasn’t even Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton—but Washington University.

| Senior News Editor

‘We’re the media’: Storytellers in Spin Alley

While viewers watched two of the most talked-about Americans strategize across the stage, I watched the people watching—the very people whose voices are now being cast throughout the world (think NBC, Buzzfeed, Al Jazeera, etc). I watched them process every second, exchanging glances, smirks and shakes of the head.

| Senior News Editor

Fueled by anonymity: At the epicenter as scandals unfold

This is America’s moral dilemma, and it’s all unfolding at the newly renovated Sumers Recreation Center.

| Senior News Editor

Debate-related road closures expected

Portions of Big Bend Boulevard and Forsyth Boulevard will be closed to all vehicular traffic this weekend in anticipation of the second presidential debate.

| Senior News Editor

Latinx program proposal denied despite growing student population

The most recent attempt to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a Latinx studies program was shot down by administrators earlier this month, leaving some of its proponents unsure as to why.

| Senior News Editor

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