
Don’t let yourself be isolated by self-care trends

Maintaining relationships requires effort from all sides, and it’s crucial to remember that staying connected is a shared responsibility. 

and | Junior Forum Editor and Contributing Writer

Sheet masks are not accommodations: Redefining “self-care” for mental health

“Self-care” is often limited to its consumerist contexts and is stigmatized when expanded to include mental health accommodations that challenge existing structures and norms.

| Managing Forum Editor

Opinion submission: Resisting and persisting through self care

You are doing enough.

| Class of 2025

Dear freshmen: College is overwhelming. It’s okay to take time to adjust

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Use this year to learn to adjust to change.

| Senior Forum Editor

‘It’s important for people to be proactive about staying connected to people in their life’: Students struggle to cope with isolation and depression during the winter of COVID-19

With progressively inclement weather and new mutations of COVID-19, opportunities for Washington University students to safely socialize are becoming increasingly limited.

| Staff Reporter

Staff Editorial: As spring begins, enter with empathy

That’s why we ask that the Washington University community starts this spring with an important goal in mind—to remain empathetic.

Hindsight is 20/20: Don’t procrastinate on your social life

You’ll have your memories, and you’ll have some good ones, but maybe you’ll wish you had more.

| Managing Editor

Staff Editorial: Finals are around the corner, here’s how to get prepared

To combat some of the unwanted feelings that accompany finals near the holidays, the Student Life Editorial Board members share their tips and ideas on how to get through this finals season.

Staff Editorial: Ways to find brightness in the midterm gloom

The members of the Student Life Editorial Board share their methods on how to de-stress safely during this fall.

You don’t have to write a novel, just take care of yourself

“Time after time, I see people pushing the idea that if you’re not spending your time at home taking on some new project, you’re wasting it.”

| Senior Editor

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