Sex Issue 2011

Bomb Squad bares all

The Phi Delta Theta Bomb Squad attends every men’s basketball game at the Field House and provides vocal support for the Washington University Bears from their spot across from the visiting team’s bench.

3 euphemisms we (should) live by

For me, one of the enjoyable aspects of reading Shakespeare is interpreting his figurative language. In particular, the Bard’s employment of euphemisms, or substitutions of indirect expressions for unpleasant or embarrassing things, adds color to dialogue. For example, “what the dickens,” originates from “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” with Shakespeare replacing “devil” with “dickens.”

| Cadenza Reporter

5 movies that will not get you laid

These five movies will ruin your sex life.

| Cadenza Reporter

The Little Dildo That Could Part 3

The Little Dildo That Could is back in a brand new adventure!! What will happen when that lovable piece of anthropomorphic plastic takes on the world of Lion Taming?

| Photo Editor

5 TV-inspired ways to lose your virginity

Lose your virginity the same way these TV stars did?

| TV Editor

SEX politics and culture

No matter how you look at it, sex is everywhere in 2011, from the undercurrents of partisan politics to the overemphasized innuendos of your favorite pop song.

Sex Survey 2011

A survey from your peers on their individual definitions and levels of experience when it comes to romance.

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