Sex Issue 2011
Sex and Pizza
You know it’s tough being a guy. Rodney Dangerfield said it best with his “I get no respect.” When it comes to dating, it’s difficult to be the man. Right off the bat, women think that all we want from them is sex. Come on, ladies. It’s 2011, the new age of dating. Give us a break. We want that and then some.
Women are a beautiful creation. Woman have that great smell, those amazing physical features and of course, the ability to become great moms. Admit it, guys, we’d be nothing without our wonderful moms.
The problem lies not in the great attributes of a woman, but the difficult challenge of finding, catching and keeping one. We can’t club them over the heads and drag them back to the cave anymore. The good old days.
The difficult part of any relationship seems to be in the introduction. Guys, think about all the times you wished you asked the girl at the grocery store out but didn’t. You were afraid of rejection. It happens. The worst news, however, is when you find out that one of your bucket-head friends finally did. He’ll remind you of how great she is for the rest of your life. And ladies, think about all the times you complain to your girlfriends about being home alone on a Friday night, wondering if Mr. Right will ever ask you out.
So if it’s so hard to ask a girl out, why don’t women make it easier for us? I understand that girls hate cheesy lines, but maybe they should rethink our advances not as a sleazy attempt to get in their pants, but more as a way of showing just how funny we can be. Playboy said thatwomen love a sense humor. See, ladies? We do read it for the articles!
Let’s imagine for a moment that women liked outlandish pick-up lines. Just think, we as men could finally walk right up to that cute girl outside the bookstore and say, “Excuse me, but do you believe in love at first sight? (No.) Well then, maybe I should walk by again.” Come on ladies, you know that’s a good one. Even the thinking rabbit would like that line…shoot, he might try it on his lady rabbit friends himself.
There are all kinds of come-on lines guys could use to break the perennial ice. A few slick ones are: “Wanna have sex and pizza? (No.) What’s wrong? You don’t like pizza?”; “Hey, baby, you look cold. Want to use me as a blanket?”; “Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged!”; “I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine seems to have been stolen”; “There isn’t a word in the dictionary for how good you look.” And then, there’s the worst one I actually overheard in a bar: “Hey, beautiful, are those pants made out of Windex? Because I can see me in them.”
Guys, lets be polite about this. If women really do decide to make it easier for us to get their attention, let’s not screw it up. For some reason, we’re notorious for that. And ladies, be patient with us; it’s not easy to figure out ways to ask you out. We mean well, kind of. But seriously, who doesn’t like pizza?