quarantine housing

What do I do if I’m exposed to COVID-19? Answers to some common pandemic questions

A guide to some common questions students have asked about COVID-19 at WU.

| Senior News Editor

WU now offering J&J vaccine on WUSM campus; vaccinated students not required to quarantine if exposed to COVID-19

WU students, as well as faculty, staff and their 18+ family members can now register to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on the WUSM campus.

and | Senior News Editors

WU reports 117 student COVID-19 violations amid new clusters

Since the start of the spring semester, three large clusters of COVID-19 cases have been reported by Washington University, and the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards has adjudicated at least 117 student conduct cases related to COVID-19 violations.

and | News Editors

Editor’s Note Episode 8: The WU quarantine experience

After receiving the dreaded contact tracing call, staff reporters and suitemates freshmen Julia Robbins and Olivia Poolos were sent into quarantine housing for 10 days.

| Multimedia Editor

An extrovert’s guide to quarantining

I’m writing this to hopefully help ease some of the anxiety that people might have going into quarantine and give some tactics that might make your time quarantining somewhat easier. So without further ado, let me share with you the (un)definitive extrovert’s guide to quarantining.

| Staff Writer

A Thanksgiving in quarantine housing

On Nov. 17, I was contract-traced and placed into quarantine housing in the Knight Center. With my prescribed ten days alone, I knew I was going to be spending Thanksgiving by myself. I had been thinking about it for a while, nervous about how I would handle the holiday without the usual gathering of family and friends.

| Staff Writer

The story of WU’s self-isolation dorms

Sophomore Carly Abramowitz’s stay in quarantine housing was “like a fever dream”: a time filled with attending classes virtually, walking around her room and throwing balls at the wall. Abramowitz was sent to quarantine housing for 14 days after spending time in close contact with friends who ended up testing positive for the virus. Sophomore […]

Julia Robbins | Contributing Writer

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