Starting with the cliche and then moving to the pragmatic, and even the cynical, here are some worthwhile arguments for why you should vote.
The 2018 midterm elections marked a considerable increase in voter participation amongst Washington University students–in comparison to 15.9% turnout in 2014, the recent midterms brought 41.8% of University students to the booths.
Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley won Missouri’s senatorial race over incumbent Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, and incumbent Democrat William Lacy Clay kept his seat in District 1—the Congressional District containing Washington University—at the midterm elections Tuesday, Nov. 6.
Missouri voters also passed a series of ballot initiatives, including legalizing medical marijuana, an overhaul to the state’s legislative redistricting process and an increase in the minimum wage.
For those of you who are voting in Missouri for this upcoming midterm election and feel overwhelmed by the amount of amendments and propositions, look no further!
Here are some of the races that you might see on your ballot if you’re registered to vote here in Missouri, and a guide to figuring out what district you’re in and where your polling place is.
If you’re voting here in Missouri this Tuesday, you’ll find several amendments and propositions on the ballot—including three measures relating to medical marijuana.
The right to vote forms the lynchpin of democratic government; without the vote we have no way to address the issues faced by our community, state and country. Because voter turnout rates for midterm elections are abysmally low, winning politicians often don’t represent the will of the majority.
The filming, part of Tur’s “Battleground College Tour” of U.S. campuses ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm elections, was originally supposed to take place at Clark University in Atlanta, but projected inclement weather from Hurricane Michael forced the show to find an alternate location, and Washington University stepped in.
Ah, another campaign season. That special time of year where a bunch of people compete to try to convince you that they are the best person for office in a glorified popularity contest.
Trying to figure out where to register to vote and when you have to register by? Check our guide to registering for the midterm elections.
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