A tweet by St. Louis comedian Angela Smith sums up the situation perfectly, drawing a parallel to Joe Edwards’ Loop Trolley disaster: “#LouFest is the Loop Trolley of music festivals.”
The 2018 LouFest music festival was cancelled three days before its intended starting date, the organizers announced Wednesday morning.
If you’ve never boarded a Metro-Link bus while listening to a drunken warbling of “Say it Ain’t So” you have not truly lived.
Such was the scene as LouFest closed Sunday night, and festivalgoers suddenly became painfully aware they had work/school in the morning.
The guitarist tucked his sweater into his pants, the lead singer wore no top but a bolo tie. We all stood on parking lot asphalt and LouFest just felt a bit too much like Warped Tour.
In a new initiative geared toward showing St. Louis college students what all the city has to offer them, LouFest will be launching LouFest U this Friday from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., the night before the festival’s official start.
It’s that time of the year again: LouFest is taking over Forest Park this weekend for the city’s biggest music festival.
lthough LouFest may already seem like a distant memory, the sound and energy of music culture lives on. During the festival, I had the opportunity to sit down with Nate Zuercher, Spencer Cross, Judah Akers and Brian Macdonald of Judah & the Lion and get their take on their rise to stardom and their experience at this particularly muddy year of LouFest.
The 2016 edition of LouFest may have suffered from mud pits and a severe lack of Beyonce, but there was plenty of great music to be found among both headliners and the less well-known names on the schedule.
After two days of heavy rain, LouFest 2016 opened Saturday afternoon with the south entrance under water, most of the field destroyed and a solid few inches of mud covering every surface.
This year’s LouFest comes amidst some grumbles from students, discontented with what they see as an underwhelming lineup—a failed follow-up to last year’s glorious festival. But this year’s LouFest doesn’t deserve the trash talk.
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