Olivia Szymanski

Contact | 49 articles

‘We just want to keep people engaged’: Student groups adjust to coronavirus cancellations

With the shutdown of campus due to coronavirus, Washington University student groups have had to cancel programming and figure out how to move forward with their organizations in an off campus capacity.

| Senior Editor

‘I had about 24 hours to get out of the country’: Students studying abroad navigate the aftermath of program cancellations

In less than 24 hours, junior David Easton packed up his belongings, said goodbye to friends, traveled from Germany to Paris and got on a plane back to the United States. He hadn’t slept in 40 hours.

| Senior Editor

WU/FUSED and SU join forces, develop need-blind report

In the wake of Chancellor Andrew Martin’s announcement of a need-blind admissions goal, Washington University for Undergraduate Socioeconomic Diversity, Student Union and the Roosevelt Network collaborated to develop a need-blind report that was sent to the administration, Nov. 22.

| Senior Editor

Attempted robbery reported at 6200 block of Clemens

An attempted robbery was reported at the 6200 block of Clemens Avenue at approximately 10 p.m., Nov. 22.

| Senior Editor

The weather up here: A tall girl’s opinion on ‘Tall Girl’

When Netflix dropped the trailer for the movie “Tall Girl,” my Facebook notifications jumped, with more than a dozen of my friends alerting me that a movie “for me!” was finally being released.

| Senior Editor

Justin Baldoni advocates for a healthier concept of masculinity

Student Union and Leaders in Interpersonal Violence Education hosted actor, director and activist Justin Baldoni as part of the Trending Topics Series Nov. 28.

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Student Technology Services to move to Ursa’s Stageside

A plan to move Student Technology Services into a renovated Ursa’s Stageside is in preliminary stages, according to Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Rob Wild.

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Students Against Israeli Apartheid protest Hen Mazzig talk

Students Against Israeli Apartheid protested a speech by Hen Mazzig, an event sponsored by Hillel and Washington University Students for Israel Monday, Oct. 29.

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Fight for $15 rally interrupts Chancellor Wrighton’s Parent & Family Weekend address

Washington University Graduate Workers’ Union (WUGWU) rallied and marched into Chancellor Mark Wrighton’s Parent & Family Weekend address to deliver a petition with approximately 1,300 signatures supporting raised wages for campus workers Oct. 27.

| Senior News Editor

WU, Title Mine plan changes to Title IX website

Washington University administration and student group Title Mine held a focus group for the redesign of the Title IX website Oct. 18. This focus group is a part of a larger Title IX reform effort to create implementation groups, which are individualized committees working on different aspects of Title IX reform.

| Senior News Editor

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