News | Police Beat
Attempted robbery reported at 6200 block of Clemens
An attempted robbery was reported at the 6200 block of Clemens Avenue at approximately 10 p.m., Nov. 22.
University City Police Department (UCPD) responded to the incident and conducted a search of the area. Washington University Police Department (WUPD) sent a crime alert to the student body at approximately 3:30 a.m., Nov. 23.
According to the alert, three graduate students were walking on Clemens Avenue when a person across the street yelled at them, demanding their property. As the students were walking away, they heard a single gunshot and then began to run.
When UCPD arrived on the scene, they determined that the aggressor had left the area. No injuries were reported.
According to WUPD Chief Mark Glenn, this incident is not part of any crime clusters of similar events in University City.
WUPD is working on how to address the number of crimes that have occurred off-campus this year. Part of this attempt includes figuring out where students are living—specifically in terms of historically non-Wash. U. housing areas—to understand how to more effectively increase WUPD’s security presence.
“We’re trying to get that sense of where our students are living and moving to,” Glenn said. “Whether it’s in St. Louis City or University City, we’ll start working with those departments as well to develop a plan on policing those areas jointly.”
Glenn also emphasized that WUPD works with the community in a number of ways to inform the department’s patrol techniques and presence. This includes attending community meetings for the different neighborhoods, as well as meetings with local law enforcement. Glenn also takes part in the St. Louis Area Police Chiefs’ Association, where they discuss different trends and strategies.
“That’s one of the topics that we always review, what we’re seeing recently crime-wise, and…different programs or strategies to impact and make the areas safe,” he said, “It’s kind of a multi-pronged approach, with working together as well as sharing information and coordinating responses.”
WUPD recommends that students pay attention to their surroundings and utilize the safety resources.
The UCPD is still investigating the incident.