Max Bash

Freshman at Washington University in St. Louis. Undecided major in the Olin Business School. Double minoring in Spanish and Photography. Love to travel, cook, bike, play hockey and write opinions

Contact | 11 articles

Election issue profile: Foreign policy

See where Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Gary Johnson stand on foreign policy in advance of the election.

, and | Forum Writers

Mike Pence: Basically just Rush Limbaugh on decaf

Pence is a rather conservative Midwestern governor and former congressman, who has some Grand Old Party support that we presume Trump is clinging to. He’s fairly moderate on the economy and foreign policy, but falls in line with the Catholic church (pre-Pope Francis) on his social views.

| Staff Writer

Not all legends are heroes

Kobe Bryant is one of the most skilled, competitive and hardworking players the NBA has ever seen. Even after a series of debilitating injuries, he dropped 60 points in his last game ever against the Utah Jazz—quite the way to go out.

| Staff Writer

Donate blood: Active philanthropies require active participation

Philanthropy at Washington University seems to follow a pattern of passive involvement. Generally, this passive philanthropy comprises of buying items to support charitable organizations, such as John’s Donuts or Seoul Taco.

| Staff Writer

Expand medical amnesty to include marijuana

Starting Jan. 1, 2017 marijuana will be decriminalized in the entire state of Missouri. In response to the changing legal policy, Washington University should take a stance now and amend its Medical Amnesty policy to include marijuana.

| Staff Writer

Wash. U. should set precedent in terms of tobacco legislation

Washington University has taken an extremely aggressive stance on tobacco that the state will never incorporate but should take a serious look at as a model to make Missouri a healthier and more attractive place to live and work.

| Staff Writer

More work equals less credit for art students

No matter what school you’re in at Washington University, chances are your program requires a significant amount of effort and the utmost level of dedication in order to do well. Even though people joke on Yik Yak about one school or another, at the end of the day, we’re all on the struggle bus.

| Staff Writer

Rubio: The Republicans’ electable dark horse

Every Monday before Super Tuesday on March 1, Forum will be running a profile of a leading presidential candidate. Last week, we met Jeb!—everyone’s favorite exclamation point. Today, we are taking a closer look at Marco Rubio, arguably the most attractive remaining potential nominee.

| Staff Writer

VA’s problems necessitate elimination, not restructuring

It’s a harsh reality that in war, many of our soldiers end up making the ultimate sacrifice. Yet, even those who are able to come home are not given the proper resources to deal with the wounds, both mental and physical, that occurred while they were serving overseas.

| Staff Writer

The degradation of quality sports journalism

Within the deluge of programming, ESPN’s content becomes endlessly repetitive and lacks quality.

| Contributing Reporter

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