Max Bash

Freshman at Washington University in St. Louis. Undecided major in the Olin Business School. Double minoring in Spanish and Photography. Love to travel, cook, bike, play hockey and write opinions

Contact | 11 articles

News you can use: John Oliver and sexual education

In an age of ubiquitous social media, where everyone is glued to their smart devices, John Oliver manages to actually make people “smart” through his hilarious investigative reporting that goes beyond what Stewart and Colbert were able to accomplish on their own shows.

| Contributing Writer

Controlling guns without banning them

I’m from Connecticut—where the Newtown tragedy occurred—but mass shootings aren’t limited to my home state. Mass shootings don’t discriminate based upon geography and have occurred in Colorado, Oregon and countless other places. Victims of these atrocities aren’t remembered as fallen Republicans or Democrats; they’re victims of senseless violence.

| Contributing Writer

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