Title IX Report

Alleged sexual misconduct and support system failures cause graduate student to drop her WU PhD degree

After what happened, Lila — a third-year medical student who requested to remain anonymous — decided to not pursue a Ph.D. at Washington University anymore.

| Managing Scene Editor

Changing the rules: Lobbyist pressing Title IX changes motivated by son’s expulsion from WU

Lobbyist Richard McIntosh has proposed Title IX changes that would give the accused more power in the process statewide. His efforts to change the Title IX system followed his son’s expulsion through the Washington University Title IX process, as reported by the Kansas City Star.

| Editor-in-Chief

Title Mine responds to Washington University’s report on Title IX updates

Student group Title Mine addressed changes to Washington University’s Title IX system with a statement posted to Facebook Sept. 4.

The statement details the demands that have been met, demands that are in progress and those that have not been met. It also explains what Title Mine organizers are currently doing in response to the changes.

and | Senior News Editors

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