Washington University mental health resources are grappling with how to continue helping students from afar amidst the COVID-19 pandemic that has emptied campus.
It is nearly impossible to get adequate mental health care at Habif.
Washington University partnered with the mental healthcare organization Provident to provide a 24/7 mental health support line for students.
Student Health Services will host Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Awareness Week to bring attention to issues surrounding substance use in honor of Alcohol Awareness Month April 8-11.
Since I was a kid, therapy has always been an important part of my life. My family went through a slew of problems when I was in middle school and high school, and my therapist Alyssa is one of the reasons I’m here today. When I came to college, I had to say goodbye to my weekly sessions with Alyssa, but I was excited that my university had free therapy sessions available at Student Health Services whenever I needed them. I quickly found that booking a therapy appointment at Washington University is not as easy as they make it seem.
Your semester’s just starting to pick up, and you’re super stressed because midterms are two weeks away. In the midst of all of that, you realize you’re sick! Here are eight telltale signs it’s flu season at Washington University.
Sex education isn’t something that students are guaranteed to have before coming to college. Even those who do get it are still liable to have questions while in school. Sex is even sexier when the people participating are informed, so Student Life decided to interview Ashley Kuykendall, the Sexual Health Promotion Coordinator at Habif Health and Wellness Center. She shared with us just a bit of her vast knowledge on sexual health gained from working in the field of sex ed with college students for seven years.
In October, I wrote an article about my experience with Student Health Services (SHS) and their failure to provide me with adequate mental health care.
I’ve tried doing this the right way, I really have. There has to be a way the University can keep students safe from known threats.
I want to talk about mental health in college, particularly here at Washington University. The school has a poor infrastructure regarding handling mental health from the understaffed Student Health Services to the constant barrage of mind shredding exams and homework, as well as the lack of any semblance of a work-life balance.
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