

Obama Victory Playlist Results are in, and incumbent Barack Obama has won another four-year term as president. Celebrate his victory with this playlist, straight from Chicago. 1. “Irreplaceable” Beyoncé Beyoncé […]

Leah Kucera | Student Life

Inebriation 2012: A decidedly nonalcoholic drinking game

Drink if:

    A newscaster refuses to call a state that is obviously going Obama or Romney’s way, like Texas or New York, because it’s “too early.” James Carville is misunderstood because of his thick accent. CNN uses holograms. Drink twice if the hologram is of a celebrity.

Editorial Cartoon

Super PACs are a two-way street

In last Thursday’s Forum, Matthew Curtis claimed that super PACs have “undermined the electoral system” and that their growth “must be reversed.” Count me among the many who agree. But in making his case, he unfairly paints President Obama far more honorably than his Republican counterparts.

Michael Rosengart

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