climate change

It’s getting hotter: anxiety and hope among WashU students, staff, and faculty

With summer right around the corner, the St. Louis region will likely face some of the highest temperatures on record. Millions of Americans are subject to rising temperatures, and Washington University and the St. Louis region are no exception.

| Contributing Writer

Elizabeth Kolbert talks climate change and the Sixth Extinction in Assembly Series lecture

Award-winning journalist and author Elizabeth Kolbert spoke at Washington University about climate change and the extinction crisis, Feb 12. 

| Editor-in-Chief

Nobel laureate speaks at statistics and data science seminar

  Distinguished University of Chicago economics professor and Nobel Laureate Lars Peter Hansen spoke about “Uncertainty” in economics to 150 seminar attendees at the Charles F. Knight Executive Education & Conference Center on Tuesday, Oct. 17.  Hansen is an expert on “Uncertainty” in economic modeling, which includes how factors like risk, ambiguity, and inherent flaws […]

| Contributing Writer

Mental Toll of Climate Change on WU Students

The idea that our lifestyles are poisoning our universe’s only oasis of life is profoundly disturbing. Even more distressing is how humanity’s response is like the proverbial frog in boiling water – simply acclimating to an increasingly dangerous environment until its complacency becomes a death sentence. 

| Contributing Writer

Green Action rally demands University divestment from fossil fuels

Green Action, an environmental justice and advocacy student group, held a rally calling on Washington University to divest from fossil fuels and recognize the impacts of environmental racism, March 1.

, and | Junior News Editors and Contributing Writer

An ode to time, and the lack thereof

College has attuned me to the inherent poverty of time. My deadlines are debts I must pay back, and the late penalties are brutal interest.

| Staff Writer

Fossil Free WashU rally encourages student action: ‘Divest, divest, put fossil fuels to the rest!’

Green Action, a student group focused on environmental justice and advocacy, held a rally calling on Washington University to divest from fossil fuels as a part of its Fossil Free WashU campaign, Oct. 27.

| Junior News Editor

‘What happened in New York could happen here’: Climate change and Hurricane Ida’s impact on the WU community

Fallout from Hurricane Ida is forcing the WU community to reckon with the impact of climate change.

Isabella DiGenova | Contributing Reporter

‘Failing to act urgently is unreasonable’: Cori Bush calls for racial justice at WU climate change dialogue

Congresswoman Cori Bush and other community leaders discussed methods for combatting climate change in MO at a Washington University and UMSL hosted panel

| Staff Reporter

Campus Crossfire debate highlights political differences between WU students

The 2020 Campus Crossfire debate featured a fast-paced discussion with few areas of overlap between representatives from the College Democrats and College Republicans.

Em McPhie | Senior News Editor

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