As consumers, we used to think that social media content was equivalent to a good time, but recently, those things have started to become mutually exclusive.
Professors should show students trust and respect by allowing them to turn their cameras off at will. At the same time, that respect goes both ways.
A court ruling delivered Nov. 6 determined that red-light cameras in Ellisville, Mo., that catch a car running a red light are in violation of state law because the owner of the vehicle is ticketed instead of the driver. A St. Louis city spokeswoman, however, announced the next day that the ruling would have no effect on St. Louis’ red-light cameras.
University City is finalizing contracts to install a $160,000 surveillance system on the Delmar Loop by June. Joe Edwards, owner of Blueberry Hill and many other establishments on the Loop, said the project has been in the works for almost a decade, but serious discussions have been taking place for the past two years.
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