10 activities you have to do before it gets really cold

Winter is coming. And in St. Louis, that means anything from endless rainy days to snow to freezing temperatures. Before you bundle up in a North Face jacket and bring your snow boots out of storage, try these 10 outdoor activities in the remaining days before the cold arrives.

1. Hike in Castlewood State Park

Take a break from the B-stacks and head out to Castlewood State Park for some fresh air and a different type of quiet. A half-hour down the I-44 freeway in Ballwin, the park is great for walks, jogs and relaxation, and it’s also one of the best mountain-biking locations in the St. Louis area.

2. Do reading at Art Hill or grassy spots around campus

Once your only choices for studying become your dorm or the library, you’ll be longing for a sunny green place to do some work. If you don’t have the time or energy to head all the way out to Art Hill, try some spaces on campus like Brookings Quadrangle or the Butterfly Garden.

3. Enjoy the hammocks

As soon as the weather takes a turn for the colder, you will wake up one day to find that the hammocks across the South 40 have all disappeared. Don’t let that happen before you’ve used one for a sunny midday nap.

4. Play basketball on the Swamp

Basketballs don’t bounce as well in the snow.

5. Go to a Washington University sporting event

Once the weather gets cold, your motivation to walk across campus to a game will drop to negligible levels. Get out to the stands at Francis Field while it’s still pleasant outside, and cheer on the Bears.

6. Go to Ted Drewes before it gets too cold

Nobody wants to eat frozen custard—even some as good as Ted Drewes—in January.

7. Shop at a farmer’s market

While the Soulard Market and the Loop Farmer’s Market are open year-round, take advantage of the vendors selling seasonal fruits and vegetables this fall.

8. Enjoy weekend nights at rooftop bars

If you’re of age, there’s no better way to wind down from a stressful week than having a drink while taking in a view of St. Louis at 360 Downtown or the Moonrise on the Delmar Loop.

9. Hook up with somebody who lives across campus from you

Once the snow starts falling, it’s way too much of a struggle to get all the way across campus without a car. Enjoy these crisp fall mornings for your walk-of-shame home.

10. Buy a Cardinals playoff ticket

The postseason only lasts for so long, and you’re not a true St. Louisan until you soak in the playoff atmosphere for the city’s most beloved team. You should hope the Redbirds advance past the first round—otherwise your last chance to see a game is Tuesday.

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