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A semester around the world: Tales and tips from students who studied abroad Fall ‘24

As another semester rolls around, we say our hellos and goodbyes to many things. We say goodbye to our restful breaks, and hello to another assortment of classes. We also say goodbye to friends and classmates embarking on their studies abroad, and hello to those who are just returning from their trips. Studying abroad gives students the opportunity to live, learn, and work in a completely different location than the one they call home.

| Contributing Writer

Pros and cons of living with a roommate

Walking into your first semester of college can be an unnerving, yet extremely exciting experience. With a new campus, new teachers, and new friends, anything can happen! For some, a major component that determines your experience at WashU is the person you spend a large portion of your time with: your roommate. Roommates: you either love them or you don’t. Everyone has a different experience.

| Contributing Writer

Friendship, flavor, philanthropy: Vitamin Water Club hosts “VITAPROM”

The sounds of chatter, hearty laughs, and jazzy piano music were all you could hear coming from Dardick’s first-floor common room on Saturday, Nov. 9. The up-and-coming Vitamin Water Club hosted its very first “VITAPROM,” where its members dressed up in their most formal, prom-like attire and enjoyed sipping on exactly what you would expect: Vitaminwater.

| Contributing Writer

The downfall of the Gargoyle and WashU’s social scene

Upon entering Mallinckrodt, the scent of bread and cheese from Subway is inescapable. The sandwich smells immediately ruin the ambiance as you descend the Mallinckrodt stairs to your Writing Center appointment. Talk to any alum, however, and this never would’ve been their experience with this building.

| Contributing Writer

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