Jaclyn Bild

Contact | 5 articles

Off to the Library Annex

Washington University students are often heard complaining about the lack of variety in their nightlife—the places are always the same, the people never change and there is never enough energy. Although we all love the Wash. U. vibe, there must be something else out there to provide a change of scenery, right? Of course there is—and we have the perfect way to do it.

| Nightlife Columnists

Linus: The night of the year

It’s time to take those sequined slinky dresses off of their hangers and those suits out of their garment bags, because next Friday, November 12th, is this semester’s Linus.

| Night Life Columnists


Although the exterior resembles a newly renovated fast-food joint, there’s a reason why Harry’s Restaurant and Bar has become the new go-to Friday night spot for this year. Situated on Market Street in downtown St. Louis, this half-restaurant, half-bar venue provides some good beats, plus a crowd that’s as local as it gets.

5 things to do post-W.I.L.D.

We conducted a survey of Washington University students and 82 percent of the people we asked would do something after W.I.L.D. this Saturday night—so let’s make it happen.

| Nightlife Columnists

Give me mo’

It’s a new year, but the buzz hasn’t changed about Thursday nights at Morgan Street Brewery.

| Scene Columnists

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