Generation Y

Spanning the generational divide

There has been much written about what generation we college-aged students belong to. We have been alternately labeled as being the last of Generation Y (early 1980s to early 2000s) and the first of Generation Z (mid-1990s to present day). On the surface, we would seem to identify more with the latter.

Steven Wenzel | Contributing Reporter

From Generation Why Not to Generation Why Bother

In a recent article in The New York Times entitled, “The Go-Nowhere Generation,” writers Todd and Victoria Buchholz comment on the lack of motivation that seems to have pervaded today’s youth in America.

| Staff Columnist

‘Generations’ an actually viable concept

With a degree in the liberal arts, you get a lot out of the Sunday funnies. This last Sunday, on the front page of the Cincinnati Enquirer’s comics, Jeremy in “Zits” shows his parents a highly technical presentation he put together for a high school class. How much time did he spend doing it? “All together? About 20 minutes.” His parents’ response, and the punchline of the strip: “Stop the Internet. I want to get off,” his mom says with a dazed look. Responds his dad, “I fell off a while back.”

| Managing Editor

Oh my God, it’s almost 2010: Worst Boy Band Attempts

Halloween just came and went, soon 102.5 will start playing only Christmas music and before you know it, it will be 2010.

| Senior Cadenza Editor

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