Alexandra Neuman

Contact | 6 articles

Ally blood drive encourages discussion around FDA ban

Washington University’s first ally-donation blood drive, which encouraged men who were ineligible to donate due to their sexual history to partner with an ally to donate in their places, took place Thursday at four locations on campus.

| Contributing Reporter

The secret to happiness in college…

“Binge Drinking!” says the American Sociological Association. If you’re nervous about the coming year, fear no more as feeling jolly and included is apparently as simple as having 13.7 drinks per week. (It may sound a little nauseating, but you can do it!

From Generation Why Not to Generation Why Bother

In a recent article in The New York Times entitled, “The Go-Nowhere Generation,” writers Todd and Victoria Buchholz comment on the lack of motivation that seems to have pervaded today’s youth in America.

| Staff Columnist

The death of journalism, the birth of blogging

Journalism is a dying industry; the evidence is all around us. StudLife is used as last minute wrapping paper for Secret Santa presents, and our own school doesn’t offer a journalism major. The world is acknowledging and acting upon the field’s protracted decline.

| Staff Columnist

An unreasonable distinction: learning to teach versus learning about education

After a few months at Wash. U., I was happy to have established that education might be a major worth pursuing during my time in college. I soon found out, however, that this seemingly liberating decision only led to a more complicated fork in the road. Wash. U.’s education program separates its students out into two categories that aren’t necessarily distinct.

| Staff Columnist

Amy Chua, The Pre-Med Track and Arranged Marriage (The Secret to Happiness)

We are lucky to be at a university with individual colleges, a thick course catalogue, and a whole fair of activity choices. I am coming to realize, however, that this array of options can only be advantageous in a certain state of mind- one which I have yet to attain.

| Staff Columnist

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