Netflix Deep Cuts: The Birdcage

Kiva Runnels | Contributing Writer

Today’s Deep Cut has Robin Williams in it, so I was hesitant to write about it at first, but I was shocked by the sheer number of my friends who had not seen this movie, so I’m writing about it anyways. A little Robin Williams never hurt anybody. This week’s Deep Cut is The Birdcage.


I googled The Birdcage for a little more info and, wouldn’t you know—it’s based off of “La Cage Aux Folles,” a French farce. In the film, Armand (Robin Williams), a sensible and relatively soft-spoken Miami drag club owner, and his partner, the melodramatic, self-absorbed Albert (Nathan Lane), host Armand’s college-aged son Val (Dan Futterman) for a few days.

Whilst visiting, Val breaks the news to his dads that he’s getting married, much to Armand’s apprehension and Albert’s delight. However, Val’s fiancée comes from a highly conservative family—her father is a religious, Republican senator. After much poking, prodding and fighting, he convinces Armand to pretend to be straight—and married to Val’s mother—when meeting his fiancée’s parents. This does not go over well when the sensitive Albert finds out and shows up in drag (pretending to be Val’s mother) when the family arrives. Of course, hijinks ensue, and I’m not going to say any more for fear of spoilers.

This movie was a wonderful ride from start to finish. Williams and Lane are, of course, superb and nuanced in their portrayal of two out and proud gay men who fought their way out of the closet, but who mask their identities for the sake of their son. The movie is funny and makes fun of itself, which I always love, especially from a film as over-the-top as this. The set of Armand and Albert’s (very flamboyant) Miami apartment lends itself well to comedy when Val insists it be remodeled; the home even features at least four different nude statues. Overall, I’d highly recommend this movie. I wish I could give a more comprehensive review without spoilers, but I’ll just say this: watch this movie, It’s a great time!

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