
Opinion Submission: Antisocial justice: Fight for social justice…but don’t fight dirty

If we truly want to enact change and promote social justice, we must learn to listen to one another with respect and understanding.

| President of the Jewish Student Association

This sucks: Let’s get through it together

“It is easy to forget that when dealing with the inevitable cascade of problems in the next month, but before you start to get angry at someone, take a second to remember that whoever you are dealing with is probably in a pretty bad spot as well.”

Thomas Humphrey | Staff Writer

In pursuit of knowledge

Some days I awaken to a bright future full of hope and confidence. The world is mine and I know it. I march to class with a hop in my step, an all-knowing confidence that I can take on the world. I arrive at my first class only to have my dreams crushed.

| Staff Columnist

Oral tradition alive in the classroom

For thousands of years, knowledge was handed down through oral tradition. Younger generations listened to and talked with their elders, who passed down whole books, elaborate rites, rituals and ways of life.

| Staff Columnist

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