
Staff Editorial: The little trolley that couldn’t

$51 million was invested into the Loop Trolley only for it to not keep its promises.

Loop Trolley partially up and running despite various issues

After almost four years of construction and a host of complications, the opening ceremony of the Delmar Loop Trolley went ahead in Delmar Hall Thursday, although a winter weather advisory delayed its actual first run to Friday.

Curran Neenan | Staff Reporter

Trolley delays continue, lawsuits led against project

In a lawsuit filed against the Loop Trolley project, plaintiff Peter Sarandos argues that the Loop Trolley tracks extend 300 feet past the designated boundary in St. Louis City and 235 feet past the district’s boundary in University City.

Emma Baker | Staff Reporter

Loop Trolley construction inches towards completion

Students, St. Louis residents and tourists alike can expect a new way to get around the Delmar Loop as the controversial Delmar Loop Streetcar Trolley is on track to begin service this coming April after over a year of construction.

| Staff Reporter

The Loop: Trolley construction leads to 12-day intersection closure

Starting Monday, April 25, and running for 12 days, the intersection of Delmar and Skinker Boulevard will be closed to allow construction crews to install the tracks for the New Loop Trolley. Loop traffic will be rerouted to Forest Park Parkway and Big Bend Boulevard as the streets have similar capacity to Delmar.

| Managing Editor

Loop Trolley construction puts strain on small businesses, prompting fight for survival

The Delmar Loop, a popular stretch of commercial blocks near the Washington University campus that draws crowds from all areas of the city, has experienced significant change in the past several years. Its latest phase of change, however, has local business owners wary of their future on the Loop.

| News Editor

Trolley invokes nostalgia, trivializes everything else

“F— this trolley,” a friend said as we turned onto Delmar from Skinker, passing cars practically scraping side mirrors. The five lanes of Delmar have been condensed to two as construction for the coming Loop trolley makes its way down the street.

Clark Randall | Staff Writer

New Loop trolley begins construction on Delmar Loop

After decades of negotiations and planning, a new trolley system is being constructed on the Delmar Loop, which will connect the Loop to Forest Park with a stop at the Missouri History Museum.

| News Editor

A streetcar not desired

On Sept. 8, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that federal transit officials were threatening to pull approximately $22 million in funding from the proposed return of the Delmar Loop Trolley after concerns about the management and production timeline of the project.

Loop Trolley project expected to move forward with University support

Despite widely publicized concerns about loss of federal funding, developers expect the Delmar Loop Trolley project to begin construction as early as next February. The project, which has received $24.

| News Editor

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