
Asking my gynecologist mom your sex questions

Student Life sent out a form for students to anonymously ask their sexual and reproductive health questions to a gynecologist. I called my mom, obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Jody Steinauer, to answer your questions.

| Senior Forum Editor

Author Emily Nagoski reveals the secrets to extraordinary sex

Dr. Emily Nagoski, a New York Times bestseller and long-time sex educator and researcher, gave a talk titled “The Science of Sex in Long-Term Relationships” in a packed Graham Chapel on Nov. 16.

and | Staff Writer and Contributing Writer

Let’s talk about sex (ed), baby

Sex education is crucial to people’s well-being and overall health, and a lack of understanding of things like STDs and contraception can cause detrimental impacts. These impacts, however, are preventable, and a mandatory sex education program could make a significant difference.

| Contributing Writer

Staff Editorial: Getting frisky? Get tested.

It’s important to treat your sexual health with just as much care as you would any other aspect of your health.

What kind of sex you have based on your sex song

How do you do it?

| Senior Cadenza Editor

Staff editorial: On safer sex

Washington University, it’s time for our yearly conversation about practicing safe sex. That’s right, we’re talking about protection to avoid pregnancy and STIs.

Valentine’s Day viewing: We need more ‘Sex Education’

On top of the obvious sexual overtones, undertones, middle-tones and regular tones, “Sex Education” deals with complicated home situations, homophobic rhetoric and situations and personal discovery while poking fun at the sex lives of teenagers.

Sabrina Spence | Staff Writer

Results of survey reveal sexual history of student body

The results for Student Life’s 2016 Sex Survey revealed that while over 30 percent of Washington University students are virgins, 39 percent would have sex with presidential candidate Marco Rubio.

| Staff Reporter

Student groups strip down

Like in past years, the 2015 Sex Issue saw student groups bare their bodies. From academic clubs to fraternities and a cappella groups to student business workers, Wash. U. students used strategically placed props both to showcase their club spirit and cover up their delicate bits.

A history of sex: The official quiz

It might be hard to believe, but every human in history is the result of sex. But how much has the dirty deed really changed since the dawn of mankind? Take our quiz to find out.

| Senior Scene Editor

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