porn stars

Are porn stars the new celebrities?

Sex workers’ opinions and experiences are not only being shared widely on large platforms, but are actually being heard and understood by wide audiences, regardless of gender.

| Staff Writer

Adult stars answer questions about porn

“As St. Francis said, where there is hate f—, let there be love,” porn star Lance Hart declared, to the amusement of a crowd of students that filled Graham Chapel […]

Manvitha Marni | Staff reporter

Porn star panel nears final contracts, minus Sasha Grey

While Sasha Grey is no longer slated to join a panel of current or former pornographic stars to headline Washington University’s upcoming sex week, the week’s organizers have signed or finalized contracts with three other adult entertainers. The remaining panelists, Tori Black, James Deen and Lance Hart, are scheduled to appear in Graham Chapel on Feb. 8.

| Editor-in-Chief

SU Treasury funds four porn stars for sex week, TED conference at meeting

The meeting may have opened with a student appeal for a TED conference, but sex week appeals dominated Tuesday’s Student Union Treasury meeting.

Richard Matus | Staff Reporter

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