“At the undergrad level,” continued McDonald, “you just have an attitude that work is just like, a little bit extra, or it just helps out.” While that may be the case for some, extensive coverage by Student Life cites other undergraduates who say they depend on campus employment—many of us know of or are such students ourselves.
Providing free childcare would make higher education much more accessible to those students who, due to the costs of childcare, could be forced to choose between their children and their education.
Washington University Graduate Workers Union organized their first protest of the semester during the Student Activities Fair this past Friday from 4:15 to 5 p.m.
Washington University saw quite a few changes while classes were out of session for the summer. We’ve recapped them here, in case you were on summer brain and missed a few things.
Washington University will increase the minimum hourly wage to $15 an hour for regular employees and basic service contractors on July 1, 2021, Chancellor Andrew Martin announced June 25.
For all the people that are graduating, I know you are almost out of here, and a lot of you are probably wondering what else you can do with just one week left at Wash. U. This is what you can do. Commit to showing solidarity with everyone who has been involved with this and everyone who is affected by this.
Earning a living wage doesn’t mean living extravagantly. It simply captures the amount needed to live independently without facing the stressful tradeoffs that come when you can afford either quality child care or decent housing in a safe environment, but not both.
My anxiety about money is hindering my ability to take care of myself and other people in my life who matter to me.
Washington University Graduate Workers Union (WUGWU) held a teach-in gathering on the Brookings Quadrangle stage Monday afternoon.
What started as an alliance between WUGWU and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1 has grown into a cross-campus movement headquartered at Brookings Quadrangle. While the Fight for $15 is nothing new on campus, it’s gaining more attention than ever before with the decision to occupy Brookings Quadrangle with a tent city dubbed “Martinville.”
Stay up to date with everything happening at Washington University and beyond.