Op-ed submission: An open letter to ALAS

As members of the Washington University community, we find ourselves heartbroken and disappointed in the Association of Latin American Students (ALAS)–the one resource designed for students like us.

Laura Delgado and Mario Davila | Class of 2018

Association of Latin American Students protests end of DACA program

The Association of Latin American Students organized a peaceful protest against the Trump Administration’s proposal to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program Friday, Sept. 22.

Jessica Bigley | Contributing Reporter

DACA and the fight against misinformation

Blatant bigotry is terrifying and deplorable, but ignorance and a falsely-informed narrative seem to be the true fuel in the drive to uproot DACA.

Elena Quinones | Contributing Writer

Students should protect DACA ideals

This past Tuesday, President Donald Trump called for a rollback of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This program uniquely affects the Wash. U. campus, as the young adults it shields are the same age to we who attend this school.

Wrighton responds to Trump rescinding of DACA

President Donald Trump formally rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program Tuesday. Chancellor Mark Wrighton responded in a letter to the student body.

Chalaun Lomax and Danielle Drake-Flam | News Editors

Demands made of chancellor

Undergraduate and graduate students, professors and St. Louis community members gathered for a brief “speak-out” with the objective of making Washington University a sanctuary campus Wednesday afternoon in the Danforth University Center.

| Breaking News Editor

Chancellor releases statement of principles

Chancellor Mark Wrighton adopted a formal statement of principles Wednesday to reaffirm statements released regarding the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program and the executive order signed by President Donald Trump that restricted immigration from certain countries into the United States.

| Senior News Editor

Wrighton signs letter defending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Chancellor Mark Wrighton joined over 470 other university presidents and chancellors in signing an open letter in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects students whose immigration status would otherwise be threatened.

| News Editor

The Chancellor’s DACA letter should only be a beginning, not end

Today, Chancellor Wrighton and the administration released a letter declaring Washington University’s support for the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Washington University Police Department’s desire to not involve itself with students’ immigration status and the need for an accepting, discrimination-free environment on our campus. His words are a welcome assurance from the University that they are committed to undocumented students (and families) across the United States, but there is much to be done in the coming months when the president-elect takes office.

Organizers push for WU to become a sanctuary campus following election

In conjunction with a growing national movement, a group of 30-40 demonstrators took to the Danforth University Center to call on the administration to make Washington University a “sanctuary campus.”

| News Editor

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