
Free weed!

Reefer blowers, dank smokers, kush queens, lend me your ears! I have come to discuss the new system of cannabis legalization, but not to praise it.

| Senior Forum Editor

‘What’s Up with Weed?’ We’d like to know

As part of Alcohol and Other Drugs Awareness Week, the Habif Health and Wellness Center hosted “What’s up with Weed?” a panel designed to create an open dialogue and inform students about any questions they may have on marijuana on Wednesday, April 10.

Jayla Butler | Senior Editor

High in years and on life: Grannies for Grass rallies for marijuana reform

Vickie Hoffman is a 46-year-old grandmother of three, retired bartender and strong advocate of the legalization of marijuana. A resident of Grubville, Mo., a town of fewer than 500 people, all of her life, Hoffman now dedicates much of her time to getting involved in her community, in particular with Grannies for Grass, a pro-legalization group she founded.

Claudia Vaughan | Scene Reporter

The inevitable legalization of marijuana

A few days ago happened to be April 20. No matter how secluded anyone is, after coming to college they certainly know about so-called “National Pot Day.” Marijuana culture in college is pervasive; even those who don’t actively participate or never have participated are nonetheless informed about certain well-known aspects of it.

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