
Vivek the Fake: Local event highlights Ramaswamy’s troubling hypocrisy

Last week’s event speaks to a greater theme in Vivek’s campaign: campaigning on one thing while displaying the exact opposite.

| Sports Editor

The impact of Pete Buttigieg recounting his coming out story

When asked about professional setbacks and resilience, Buttigieg described the struggle of balancing his sexual orientation with his political career. “I had to wonder whether just acknowledging who I was was going to be the ultimate, career-ending professional setback.”

Adrianna Linn | Contributing Writers

Run for Student Union Senate

The past few years, Student Union elections have not been competitive because too few students have run to make the elections challenging. Competitive elections force debate about how student government can improve Washington University and create a different type of accountability.

Running with leadership

Conventional wisdom tells us that a presumptive presidential nominee’s running mate doesn’t really matter.

| Staff Columnist

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