book recommendation

Non-apocalyptic, fantasy-esque books to fuel your escapist reading during quarantine

It’s been a long time since Washington University closed its campus due to coronavirus.

| Senior Editor

Five Poetry Collections you should read for National Poetry Month

s many college students know, April is the penultimate month of the academic semester. But a more importantly and less commonly known fact is that April is National Poetry Month.

| Staff Writer

Bookflix: A guide to summer binge reading

‘Star Trek,’ ‘Firefly’ and ‘Battlestar Galactica,’ read… ‘Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas’ by John Scalzi Scalzi is one of my favorite authors because of his offbeat, hysterically funny approach to the genre of science fiction. “Redshirts” is a stand-alone novel that satirizes the tropes of “Star Trek” in a brilliant and sneakily existential way.

Eliana Goldstein | Contributing Reporter

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