One must-try of St. Louis is the famous toasted ravioli. Packed with meat or cheese, these “toasted ravs” or “T-ravs” are a St. Louis delicacy. For any WashU student looking to sample these treats for themselves, here are a few spots to get them on the Delmar Loop.
The music scene in St. Louis has had a long, vibrant history. Here’s a guide to some of the best concert venues in the St. Louis area.
tudent Life ventured out to The Gramophone STL one recent spring evening to taste-test their famous sandwiches. Here’s what we thought!
Though they may spend the vast majority of their time tucked away in studio, art school kids sure know how to throw a party. Every year in April, Art Prom hits the Wash. U. scene as a fantastic “last hurrah” before the finals hibernation period.
While many of our classes prepare us for our professional aspirations, no class better prepares us for personal interactions than Intro to Sexuality Studies.
When it’s time to crack down on work, you can hit up a familiar study spot like Olin Library, where you’re guaranteed to find hundreds of other suffering students. Or, you can opt for a quieter, lesser-known location: the DUC Formal Lounge.
Three times a week at 11 a.m., students rush the doors of Lab Sci 300, shoving past the stream of winded freshmen trying to leave. The students are hurrying to get their front-row seats for optimal viewing of professor Richard Loomis’s next general chemistry lecture.
There’s no question about it—The Linus Foundation is really good at two things: planning parties and giving money to children’s charities.
Whether it’s the Nice Jewish Boy, the Southern Gentleman, That Guy or any other stereotype, the all-male a cappella group the Stereotypes has been consistently wowing crowds at Washington University since 2001.
Choosing this year’s best female athlete was tough, especially with all of Wash. U.’s All-American volleyball players and last season’s national championship basketball team. But with her consistent statistical NCAA dominance, volleyball superstar Marilee Fisher gets our nod.
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