One Last Column: Student Life Senior Annabel Shen

| Staff Writer

I can’t believe I made it through college. Genuinely, though — the four years have passed absurdly fast, and I’m not sure if I am happy to be graduating or slightly miffed about how old I am becoming. As I stare at my keyboard typing this letter out, I am at quite a loss for words. I’m not sure how to sum up my four years into four paragraphs. But if I had to, here’s how it would go.

To my freshman year, I hope to continue carrying that excitement and curiosity I had then into the rest of my life. The new city, new friends, and new experiences are what make college so special, but I believe this feeling is transient in every part of our lives. 

To my sophomore year, I hope to continue igniting that passion and focus that propelled me through the challenges of each semester. It’s a juncture where the initial whirlwind of college has settled down, yet there’s still so much to explore. You feel young and capable, taking a leap of faith into the deep end of classes, organizations, and self-improvement.

To my junior year, I hope to continue extending grace to myself, acknowledging the inevitability of mistakes, and embracing the ability to persevere through. Amid WashU’s student body, which never fails to surprise and amaze me everyday with their accomplishments, it’s easy to falter in self-assurance. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of uncertainty that growth and inspiration find their foothold. 

To my senior year, I hope to continue cherishing the memories and friendships made with great ardor. Every moment this year carried a sense of finality with it. Whether it was my last StudLife production night, the bittersweet hugs and smiles of my last dance performance, or the culmination of hours poured into my last CS project, each served as a reminder that I’m on the last page of this chapter in my journey at WashU. 

To the future, 


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