SPB to bring comedy hypnotist

| News Editor

Comedic hypnotist Dale K. will entertain students with a blend of hypnosis and stand-up comedy at Graham Chapel on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m.

The event will be sponsored by Social Programming Board and cost approximately $8,100 to organize.

The performance is a departure from SPB’s traditional lineup of stand-up comedy and concerts and will provide students with an opportunity to participate by volunteering to be hypnotized.

Rahool Bhimani, SPB president and senior, hopes that these elements will combine to provide a refreshing change of pace.

“Obviously, we want to bring a variety of programming to students, and this is definitely something a little bit different from what we normally do,” he said. “I think students appreciate being actively involved in our programs, and this really seems like a cool way for students to get involved in a professional level hypnotist performance.”

SPB Treasurer and junior Andres Avalle added that the decision to bring Dale K. to campus was made partly on the recommendation of Josh Gruenke, SPB’s advisor and assistant director for student involvement and programming.

“Our advisor has worked with him in the past, and he has always seemed to have had a decent experience with him,” he said. “We love it when we have the option to bring programming to campus that we know has been reliable and delivered in the past, and we have that option here.”

SPB will pay $3,500 to bring Dale K. to campus and an additional approximately $4,600 on production costs—a price tag which Avalle feels is justified by the unique brand of entertainment offered.

“The event is hosted by the hypnotist, but it’s actually starring the students,” he said. “What that means is that really it’s going to be what these students that decide to go end up doing as a result of the hypnotism that is really going to be what keeps people entertained.”

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