Brookings Residential College and Sigma Alpha Epsilon win Green Cup divisions

| Staff Reporter

Brookings Residential College and Sigma Alpha Epsilon took home the wins in this year’s Green Cup, which saw nearly double the amount of energy reduction compared to last year’s event.

This year’s Green Cup competition ran for the month of February and conservation numbers were compared to a baseline period of two weeks in mid to late January, sustainability fellow Jennifer Carter said.

The month saw a total reduction of 190,000 kilowatt hours, which is enough energy to sustain 17-18 households running electricity for an entire year. That number is an increase of 90,000 kilowatt hours from last year

The purpose of the event—now in its fifth year—is to focus on energy reduction and education.

“The intention is really to educate students and create lifelong energy conversation habits,” Carter said. “Even though it’s a lot of fun over the month, we’re hoping that these habits last in their own lives at home and on campus as well.”

Residential colleges and fraternities could win points each week by being the residential college or fraternity to reduce the most energy. Each week, one, two or three points were awarded to the teams that reduced the most energy that week.

Two points were also awarded to the teams with the highest percentage of residents who took the sustainability pledge—a series of questions asking students to think about their energy habits and how they can be more energy efficient. Teams could win further points if their members wore a green body suit around campus or took pictures of participants doing “green” activities and posting them to the Green Cup Facebook event.

Brookings took first place in the Residential College league with 19 points, followed by RuSoFo with 17 points and HIG with 14 points. HIG was also first in number of Facebook posts and Sustainability Pledge takers. The top three residential colleges also received points as part of the Residential College Olympics, which will be held on March 28.

In the on-campus fraternity league, SAE took first place with 14 points, Kappa Sigma took second with 13 points and Sigma Nu placed third with 12 points. Kappa Sigma had the greatest energy reduction, while SAE won overall because of its advantage in Facebook posts.

While the South 40 residential colleges and the on-campus fraternity houses held competitions, the third league, the North Side, set a collective goal to reduce energy by 10 percent, ultimately exceeding it with a total reduction of 13 percent.

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