Concert Preview: Matt Costa with Everest

| Cadenza Reporter

Sunday, 8 p.m.

2706 Olive St.
St. Louis, MO 63103

Metro Access
A 20-minute walk from the Union Station MetroLink stop
How much?

Matt Costa began his career opening for Jack Johnson’s summer 2005 tour, but don’t hold that against him. Sure, his sun-drenched melodies are infectious, but by incorporating elements of folk, blues, psychedelia and even classical music, Costa pushes beyond the “mellow lullaby” boundary to create sparklingly lush songs. On his newest full-length, “Mobile Chateau,” Costa strays from the happy-go-lucky as he ventures into 1960s psychedelia à la The Doors while still retaining his signature velvety-bright tone. So take a leisurely stroll on what promises to be a beautiful Sunday night to the Firebird, and enjoy a head-bopping show that will both relax and cheer you for the week ahead.

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