TJ Keeley

Contact | 5 articles

Most anticipated films of spring 2009

A year new for class and a new year for film. Though the better films tend to roll out at the end of the year for the Oscar push, some gems sneak into the spring and summer months. Here are the movies I’m most looking forward to in the first half of 2009. 10.  “I […]

| Cadenza Reporter

Gran Torino

“Get off my lawn” is the new “make my day.” Well, not really, but The Clint thinks it is. In his latest offering, “Gran Torino,” Eastwood tries to make a throwback to old days of cinema while commenting on how things have changed in America over his remarkably long career. The final result is a […]

| Cadenza Reporter

SLIFF follow-up

The St. Louis International Film Festival is proof that God exists. For aspiring pretentious film snobs like me, the festival provides an invaluable opportunity to see fantastic films we otherwise wouldn’t see, some not so fantastic films we otherwise wouldn’t see and frightening incarnations of what we might become if we go to the Tivoli […]

| Cadenza Reporter

Slumdog Millionaire

Danny Boyle delivers again with “Slumdog Millionaire,” his Charles Dickens impression set in modern-day India. “Slumdog” explores how a poor orphaned boy, Jamal Malik, can go from wandering the streets with his brother, living off theft, to answering trivia questions for 20 million rupees on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” In the opening of […]

| Cadenza Reporter

Fall Movie Preview

As students don their sweaters and stores set out their Easter decorations, fall approaches. The change in weather also brings some of the best films of the year.

| Cadenza Reporter

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