Sanchali Pothuru

Contact | 11 articles

Following Up with First-Year Students After One Year

A year can make a big difference. Student Life’s Managing Multimedia Editor, Sanchali Pothuru, and Multimedia Producer, Molly Fletcher, revisit four sophomores interviewed during the students’ first year. By asking the same questions one year later, this follow-up dives into how they’ve adjusted to college life since their first semester.

and | Managing Multimedia Editor and Multimedia Producers

WashU Seniors Anonymously Confess Their Secrets

From testicular cancer paranoia to police interrogations, 5 WashU seniors anonymously confess their secrets from the last four years. This video is part of Student Life’s Finish Line issue, celebrating the Class of 2024 at Washington University in St. Louis as they graduate.

, and | Managing Multimedia Editor and Multimedia Editors

Can Professors Tell ChatGPT Papers From Student Papers?

Amidst the growing debate over AI’s role in the classroom, Student Life’s Managing Multimedia Editor, Sanchali Pothuru, and Multimedia Editor, Mireya Coffman, join three professors, Tarrell Campbell, Konstantina Kiousis, and Guy Genin, to see if they can distinguish between student essays and ChatGPT-generated content.

and | Managing Multimedia Editor and Multimedia Editor

One Semester Later: First-years Answer the Same Questions

Through interviews at the beginning and end of the fall semester, four first-year students reflect on on their growth over their first semester of college.

| Junior Multimedia Editor

Behind WashU Dining

WashU Dining serves thousands of students daily across BD, the Village, and the DUC. Student Life’s Junior Multimedia Editor Sanchali Pothuru joined the team as they prepared for a Wednesday lunch rush on campus.

| Junior Multimedia Editor

73 Questions With Dr. G

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dr. Anna Gonzalez answers 73 rapid-fire questions while giving a tour of her St. Louis house. Covering everything from dinner parties to developments in higher education, Dr. G gives Student Life a glimpse into her life and her vision for WashU going forward.

| Producer

Missed Connection Couple Goes on First Date

Junior Spencer Kates and Sophomore Everett Davis were talking at a club when the party was abruptly broken up, forcing both men to end their budding conversation. After Spencer posted on Gaggl, an app where students can anonymously post their missed romantic connections, Everett decided to respond.

| Producer

Earning a degree behind bars: WU Prison Education Project changes lives 

Adorned with a study hall, computer lab, and multiple whiteboards, the Education Annex might be indistinguishable from an average American college, if not for the facility’s barren surroundings and the presence of armed security. 

| Contributing Writer 

Teachers Read Rate My Professor Reviews

In a StudLife spin on ‘Celebrities Read Mean Tweets’, Staff Writer Sanchali Pothuru sat down with Professors Bret Gustafson, David Strait, Richard Loomis, and Megan Daschbach to have them read their own Rate My Professor reviews live.

| Staff Writer

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