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New Campus Life policy complicates room bookings

As of this semester, a new policy from the Office of Campus Life now requires all student group events to be registered and approved at least two weeks before the event is scheduled, causing logistical concerns for student groups on campus. 

and | Contributing Writer and Staff Writer

Senior Otto Brown steps down as SU Election Commissioner, plans to continue StL civic work after graduation

A Gephardt Institute Bob & Gerry Virgil Civic Scholar, a St. Louis County election worker, and a Missouri Notary Public, Senior Otto Brown has demonstrated his irrefutable passion for civic engagement throughout his four years at Washington University. Brown is majoring in both Economics and Political Science, and has been involved in election work and […]

| Contributing Writer

Philip Dybvig, WashU Professor, receives Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 

Philip Dybvig, Professor of Banking and Finance at the Olin School of Business, was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on the vulnerability of banks during financial crises. 

| Contributing Writer

Opening of Katharina Grosse Kemper Art exhibit 

The Kemper Art Museum opened a new exhibition, “Katharina Grosse Studio Paintings, 1988-2022: Returns, Revisions, Inventions,” by renowned contemporary German artist Katharina Grosse, Sept 23. 

| Contributing Writer

Shelby Jordan, WU alum and NFL player, passes away

Shelby Jordan, a Washington University alum who played in the National Football League (NFL) for 11 years, passed away on Sept. 9.

| Contributing Writer

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