Every hour, amusing costumes, flanel shirts and cowboy boots, sombreros and mickey mouse ears, were donned by students and community members as they boogied with their teams and interacted with “Miracle Children,” the beneficiaries of medical care from Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Hurricane Irene hit the northeastern coastline early Sunday morning, forcing many students coming to Washington University to change their travel plans. Airport closings in cities such as Boston, Providence, New York and Philadelphia resulted in more than 11,000 cancelled flights, according to the Associated Press.
The 2009-2010 school year was filled with new campus developments, student activism and controversy, allowing Wash. U. students to make their mark on the events of the year.
Undergraduates at Washington University have taken the nation’s capital by storm as part of the new Washington University Semester in D.C. Program.
Olin Business School students were hoping that a full service eatery would return to Simon Hall later this month, but the University is delaying its plan to install an Einstein Bros. Bagels franchise in Simon Hall until next semester because contract negotiations took longer than the administration expected.
Washington University was awarded $12,000 after a St. Louis County jury found that the University did not pass over employee Judy Sawyer for a different position because of her age. The County Court made its ruling on Oct. 29.
Thursday evening two robberies occurred near-campus; however, the University body was not made aware of these incidents until an e-mail announcement was sent out on Friday morning. At 8:30 pm Thursday evening, a graduate student’s fiancée was accosted by three suspects outside of her apartment in the 6300 block of Cabanne, located in University City.
The tobacco ban implemented by Wash. U. this summer rides a trend of smoking and tobacco bans, implemented on college campuses across America.
“When you give a teenager a credit card with no supervision, they max the debt,” economics professor Costas Azariadis said. “That’s what Greece did.” Azariadis believes that Greece is in a terrible financial position and needs to make large changes to overcome its economic woes.
The Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department (WGSS) is expanding its course offerings to include many more community-based learning classes.
Although service-learning classes are offered in many different areas through all of Washington University’s schools, WGSS is specifically institutionalizing community-based learning in its curriculum.
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